Black Team Proposal

Our team decided to focus mainly on Jilian’s hanging art idea, but at the same time try to incorporate elements from everyone else’s ideas as well. Our art piece consist of a core with tree branches hanging around it, similar to a chandelier. Things can be hanging from the tree branches or from the center; the piece can be interactive by having students hang their own items, or it can be non interactive by hanging puzzle pieces to form an anteater. We have not yet decided what the core piece will be.


2 thoughts on “Black Team Proposal

  1. Jillian Doan

    -Hanging almost to floor so people can interact and touch it
    -Allow students to hang things in a ceremony (ornaments)
    >Unpredictable (in a good way) and interactive
    -Jewelry hardware– hooks, earrings
    -Tree branches made of different material like welded metal (not printed)
    -Printing objects is possible– small enough objects to make multiple on the same bed
    -Led lights bulbs (3d-printed bulbs) can periodically be hung throughout hanging string to give a cooler effect
    >Would need to figure out what lights to use
    -Suggestion: can make empty, clear globes that residents can put notes/knick knacks in

  2. Ivette

    could these hang on their own?
    what would the branches be? metal? wood? def a different material than printing.
    making different forms to hang. an earing hook? have multiple on one.
    residents could get their own piece and put it together.
    could the residents put things on the inside? a box? a cage?

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