Mika Caldwell, Arthur Lander Lab

Title: Can Stochastic Fluctuations in Cell Cooperation Contribute to Carcinogenesis Abstract: Age-incidence data imply that stochastic steps are required to initiate cancer. Some steps clearly correspond to random mutation, but do all?  Beyond changes that, like...

Maggie Myers, Marcus Seldin and John Lowengrub Lab

Title: Regulation of adiponectin and lipid processing in obesity and metabolic disease Abstract: Adipose tissue is emerging as a key endocrine organ that regulates energy homeostasis. Dysregulation of the energy homeostasis system manifests as obesity and is...

Weihao Tang, John Lowengrub Lab

Title:  Mathematical model of tumor growth and angiogenesis Abstract: Angiogenesis is one of the processes of creation of new blood vessels in the human organism. Understanding tumor induced angiogenesis is a challenging problem with important consequences for...

Trini Nguyen, Jun Allard and Steve Gross Lab

Title: Receptor length and enzyme size together has crowding effects on tethered signaling processes. Abstract:  Much of cell signaling occurs near the cell membrane, involving reactions between tethered enzymes. So far, most in vitro and in silico studies have...

Jonathan Rodriguez, John Lowengrub Lab

Title: Predictive Nonlinear Modeling of Malignant Myelopoiesis and TKI Therapy Abstract: Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a blood cancer in which there is dysregulation of maturing myeloid cells (granulocytes) driven by a chromosomal mutation which creates the fusion...

Pieter Derdeyn, Kevin Beier Lab

Title: Circuit Organization of Ventral Tegmental Area Revealed by Input-Output Tracing and Dimensional Reduction Abstract: In the past few decades, evidence has revealed the remarkable complexity of the midbrain dopamine (DA) system. The DA cells are located in the...