On Thursday, July 9, 2015, from 1 am to 3 am (Pacific) Instructure will be performing routine maintenance on the UCI Canvas Pilot. During this time, all Canvas course spaces will be unavailable.
Update (7/9): Users were unable to access MyEEE during the scheduled Canvas Pilot downtime due to an unexpected response from the Canvas web application. The EEE Web Team is working with Instructure (the Canvas vendor) to ensure that a correct response will be sent in the future so that MyEEE will continue to be accessible even if the Canvas Pilot is not.
Update (7/15): Instructure let us know that they intend to update Canvas to provide a different response when down (a “503 Service Unavailable” message). No ETA has been provided on the timing of this update. The EEE Team will be testing our side to ensure that EEE functions as normal when Canvas provides a “503” response.