On July 22nd, 2015, CIO Dana Roode sent a ZotMail out to campus faculty and staff about the Canvas Pilot project.
Early results from the year-long Canvas Pilot are trending in favor of Canvas adoption. While surveyed students are split roughly evenly between EEE, Canvas, and no preference, 66.7% of participating instructors preferred Canvas compared to 19.1% for EEE and 14.3% with no strong opinion.
The Canvas Pilot (https://sites.uci.edu/canvaspilot/) to assess the usefulness of the Instructure Canvas learning management system will run through Winter 2016. Participating is your opportunity to try Canvas, find out what you like, what you don’t like, and provide your feedback (primarily through short online surveys) to help guide the future of learning management technologies at UCI.
If adopted, Canvas may come to replace common learning management system functionality (e.g. quiz and messageboard), but unique EEE tools developed specifically for UCI would be retained.
All Fall 2015 instructors are invited to participate and can get started today. Full details are provided below.
Dana Roode
CIO & Associate Vice Chancellor
Office of Information Technology* * * * * * *
To set up your Canvas course space for your Fall 2015 classes, visit:
https://grandcentral.eee.uci.edu/To help you during the Canvas Pilot, we provide:
• Automatic links from students’ MyEEE pages to Canvas
• Automatic updates to match Registrar enrollment
• Integration with Turnitin.com and UCI Google Apps for Education
• Easy final grades transfer from Canvas to the Registrar’s WebGrades
• Support via phone, email, and workshops (just like for EEE)Canvas is a popular LMS used within the UC system and by other research universities nationwide. It features useful tools and services (Examples: student group management, multimedia embedding, rubric & outcome-based grading features, seamless gradebook integration across the toolset) and offers future opportunities to integrate third-party tools.
You can learn more about the UCI Canvas Pilot (which ends after Winter Quarter 2016) at:
https://sites.uci.edu/canvaspilot/For questions, please contact eee@uci.edu or call the OIT Help Desk at (949) 824-2222.