On Monday, 12/21 in the morning (the weekend after final grades for Fall 2015 are due to the University Registrar), the EEE team will be enabling the current enhanced look & feel for the UCI Canvas Pilot.

This look & feel, referred to by Instructure (the vendor behind Canvas) as the “New User Interface” or “New UI”, has been designed to be friendly for mobile and tablet users, as well as present a cleaner interface to desktop and laptop users. Instructure has provided a video overview of the new theme; screenshots are included below in this post.

The New UI was introduced over the summer, and made the default for the Free For Teacher version of Canvas and most campuses in early fall. To ensure continuity during each Pilot term, the EEE team is rolling out the new theme between Fall and Winter quarters.

The functionality of Canvas remains the same; however, the primary navigation (what is currently the top blue bar in Canvas) has been moved to the side in the form of tabs and icons.

Here are some before and after screenshots. All data displayed is test data for fake students; no real student information is revealed in these screenshots.

Old look & feel (UI) New look & feel (UI)


Old home page


New home page (the previous view is available using the little switch in the top-right corner)


Old student quiz experience


New student quiz experience


Old grades view for an instructor


New grades view for an instructor


Old page editor for instructors


New page editor for instructors