On February 8th, 2016, the following announcement, Canvas Learning Management System Adoption, was sent to the campus community by Vice Provost, Teaching & Learning Michael Dennin and Chief Information Officer Dana Roode.
To: All Faculty, Staff, and Students
Subject: Canvas Learning Management System Adoption
Dear UCI Campus Community,
Over the last year, the campus has been piloting use of the Canvas learning management system. 536 instructors, 410 TAs, and 22,409 students have participated in the Canvas pilot and shared their feedback. Based on this feedback, multiple committee reviews, and overall assessment of the pilot experience, we have decided to formally adopt Canvas as part of the EEE instructional technology ecosystem for the UCI campus.
Since 1996, UCI has utilized our homegrown EEE learning management system. For technical and security reasons, maintaining that 20-year old code base is not viable in the long run. The Canvas adoption will provide the campus with a modern, full-featured learning environment with increased functionality and the potential to interface with other educational technologies.
While EEE is not going away, as the campus adopts Canvas over the next several years, some EEE tools that meet needs better served by equivalent Canvas tools will gradually be retired. Unique tools specific to our campus will be redesigned to interface with Canvas.
For more information and details about the Canvas Pilot, please visit
https://sites.uci.edu/canvaspilot/ .Information about the launch of Canvas is available at the Canvas Launch FAQ website at
http://sites.uci.edu/canvas/ .Should you have any questions or concerns, please let us know via eee@uci.edu.
Michael Dennin
Vice Provost, Division of Teaching and Learning
Dean, Division of Undergraduate Education
Professor, Physics and AstronomyDana Roode
CIO & Associate Vice Chancellor
Office of Information Technology