When: October 9, 2020 @ 9:00-11:00a.m.
Where: via Zoom
Week 1 is the perfect time to connect with a study group! If you are currently in a CHC class (Hum Core, Honors Chem, Honors Bio, Soc Core, Sci Core, Sustainable Societies) and are looking for study buddies OR have taken a CHC class and have insights and advice to offer, be sure not to miss CHC Coffee Hour this week where you will have the chance to meet CHC students in your classes, form study groups, and maybe even find a tutor. Be sure not to miss this week’s Coffee Hour by registering now at https://uci.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwkdOCrrj4rHdSGlbsSKf-ROyWxhXw0xsc7!