Be a Zoom pro with these tips:
* Download the Zoom app
* Enter through UCI Zoom
* Update email settings to make sure Zoom ( is getting to your inbox.
* Make sure that you are using the latest version of Zoom
* Review Zoom best practices
* Log-in 5 minutes early”
Welcome to the New CHC GatherTown!
When: Wednesday October 14, 2020 @ 9 a.m.-12 p.m. PST
Where: Online
Do you miss seeing fellow Campuswide Honors students during class, study halls, or CHC events, but Zoom doesn’t feel quite the same? CHC invites you to join us on GatherTown, a fun new virtual platform where you can meet other Honors students and build a new community! You can join us at this link on Wednesday, October 14 from 9am-12pm PST. Can’t wait to see you all there!
CHC graded classes and graded units policy Fall 2020 only
Hello CHC,
As you may know, the Campuswide Honors Collegium requires students to enroll in all of their CHC classes for a letter grade and to enroll in 12 or more graded units each quarter.
Although these requirements were temporarily lifted effective Spring Quarter 2020 ONLY, these requirements are back in effect beginning Fall 2020 as follows:
Beginning Fall 2020, all CHC students are once again required to enroll in all of their required CHC classes for a letter grade.
For Fall 2020 ONLY, the requirement that CHC students be enrolled in 12 or more graded units will be relaxed. CHC students may take as few as 8 graded units as long as they are enrolled in 12 or more total units. [Note: Courses taken Pass/Not Pass (P/NP) do NOT count as graded units.]
Students wishing to take fewer than 12 total units or fewer than 8 graded units will need to submit a CHC petition to justify their request. Petitions are considered on a case-by-case basis and are not guaranteed to be approved. Please see
The CHC staff is here to help you make a plan for your success. If you have any questions or concerns about your fall courses or think you merit an exception to this or any CHC requirements, please reach out to us via
Please note that students who are repeating classes that they originally took for a letter grade (and did not pass) must repeat those classes for a letter grade (according to the UCI General Catalogue). This includes CHC classes – students repeating any CHC classes in Fall 2020 that they originally took for a letter grade in the past must also complete them for a letter grade if repeating in Fall 2020.
Students should consult with their school honors advisor about the decision to take any major classes and/or requirements Pass/Not Pass and if they would like information about part-time study, etc.
More information about UCI’s regulations on enrolling in classes Pass/Not Pass for Fall Quarter 2020 can be found online
Campuswide Honors Staff
Registering to Vote
As individuals who work intensively to become educated and informed, you hold great responsibilities in shaping the country. This upcoming election is critical in determining the future of our nation for the next four years and beyond.
However, many of you may have moved or switched addresses for this school year. If this is the case, it is important to update your voting address to prepare for the 2020 Presidential Election on Nov 3rd. If your address has remained the same, you should still check your voting status online. Here’s how to (and why you should) update your address.
Why: Every election, officials need the most up to date address for you to vote in the right location. This year it’s especially important because your ballot will be mailed in the first week of October in CA. Though, you can still vote in person if you want.
How: You can update your address by re-registering online at the following links (or you can check your status):
Other states:
– Be sure to include your dorm/apartment number!
– Don’t forget to use your full, legal name
– Your financial aid will NOT be impacted by your voting address.
– You can learn more about voting in CA here:
Which address do I use?: If you recently moved to college, you have two options!
– Re-register to vote using your new address. This means they will mail you everything there and you will vote for candidates that represent your new address.
– Request an absentee ballot. This means they will mail you everything to your new address, but you vote for the candidates back home. Use this link to request one: (CA)
Methods to Vote: It’s important to plan out your preferred method of voting to make the process as easy as possible. To help, here are a few ways you can vote:
In-Person Voting
– Orange County voting centers will open on Oct 30th and close on November 3rd at 8pm
– Some of the nearest voting centers in UCI will be at the UCI Student Center Ballrooms or the University Hills Community Center
Vote By Mail
– Drop off your ballot at any outgoing mailbox by November 3rd, but try to drop it off as early as possible!
– These ballots do not require any postage stamps to be mailed (CA), so no need to spend anything to send your ballot, just make sure to fill out necessary information and sign before sending
Ballot Drop Box – Ballots received in the mail can be dropped off at any Ballot Drop Box in Orange County without any postage stamps
– A Ballot Drop Box is located in Mesa Lot 5
If you still have questions about your circumstance, you may email I will respond as soon as possible and connect you with the right resources and information!
SOP-Prep Course Launch
The Scholarship Opportunities Program (SOP) office is thrilled to announce that the SOP website,, has relaunched with new and updated pages for undergraduate students to utilize in their journey through the prestigious scholarship process.
With the start of Fall Quarter, we want to encourage students to look into the SOP-PREP course offered through our program in preparation for the Explorer’s 11 Scholarship application cycle.
On the SOP website, we want to highlight that our resources and services are easy to access and aim to empower each student that by going forward in the scholarship application process, they will be well-equipped with all the information necessary for success.
The Scholarship Advising page provides a guide to the steps in successfully completing the journey to apply for one of the 21 scholarships our office supports as well as includes the instructions to request an advising appointment with the SOP advisors. This new advising page aims to guide students through the initial steps in discovering their scholarship of interest and how to begin the application.
The Scholarships page has been updated to include a more concise and informative list of all 21 scholarships available through the SOP office. The page is organized by the specific criteria for programs available in the U.S. and programs available abroad where students can view each scholarship’s deadline, pre-application link, and additional information.
The Events page includes all the special information sessions, guest speakers, and workshops the SOP office hosts throughout the academic year. Students will have access to the RSVP links, digital flyers, and additional information about current and previous events.
For UCI Faculty, we have also updated our Faculty & Staff page to provide resources to book informational workshops for classes, as well as an easier way to recommend their top performing students for the prestigious scholarships available.
The Resources and Excellence Programs page has been added to provide a concise and organized list of programs and resources outside the main SOP office that can assist students in their application process. Up to date descriptions of each program are also available on the SOP website.
With this relaunch, the SOP website has the goal of simplifying navigation in order to ease access to our services online as we all work through these unprecedented times. We hope you continue to utilize our office’s resources as a means to achieve your career interests and aspirations!
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