ACE Programmers:
In our ongoing commitment to supporting the University’s mission for student success, we are hiring a team of programmers to support residents’ academic development and success at UCI. Based on residents’ academic needs, ACE Programmers will create and implement programs and outreach methods that will assist residents in learning strategies, study skills, and finding their academic interests.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, April 6th at 12PM Noon
Student Coordinator of Community Development & Academic Outreach:
The Student Coordinator of Community Development & Academic Outreach will work collaboratively with the Middle Earth Residential Life Team to assess the needs of the Middle Earth community and facilitate the development of complex-wide initiatives to address these needs. The Student Coordinator will also work with the Academic & Community Excellence (ACE) programmers to provide academic support to the Middle Earth community. This position will also work with Middle Earth staff to enhance different processes that occur yearly within the complex such as Fellowship Programs, Celebrate UCI, Spring Tours, and manage the student staff space and supplies.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, April 6th at 12PM Noon
Student Coordinator of Mesa Court Residential Support Services:
The Student Coordinator will work cooperatively with the Mesa Court Residential Life professional staff in the development, dissemination, and implementation of programs and resources to enhance the Residential Life experience within Mesa Court. This position will assist with the supervision of Community Council Staff, work closely with the Academic and Community Excellence Programming team, and be heavily involved with maintaining budgets and assisting with outreach efforts.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, April 6th at 12PM Noon