The Annual Fall CHP Bonfire & BBQ at Huntington Beach is this Sunday, Sept. 30 from 3-7 pm! Please RSVP with the Honors Office or your CHP RA/HA by Thursday, Sept. 27 (we need to know how much food & drinks to buy). Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, … [Continue reading]
ATTN: Peer Mentors! Mandatory Meeting!
If you are a CHP Peer Mentor this year, there is a mandatory meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 26, at 4:30p in The Locus. The Peer Mentor Coordinators will be talking about the activities you’ll be doing with your mentees and then you’ll get to meet … [Continue reading]
CHP New Student Orientation Program
This will be held on Wednesday, September 26 at 4:00 p.m. in Social Sciences Hall 100 (SSH 100). Registration begins at 3:45 p.m. This program is MANDATORY for all new CHP freshmen, but other students new to the CHP are also welcome. The … [Continue reading]
Freshmen Meetings with a Peer Academic Advisor (PAA)
We can cover only so much at Wednesday's New Student Orientation Program, so all freshmen are also scheduled to meet with an Honors PAA earlier in Welcome Week. If you are unsure about your meeting date, time, location or need to reschedule, … [Continue reading]
Welcome week Locus operating hours
The Locus, located in the lobby of Student Services II, is a study room and social lounge for CHP students. It will have restricted hours during Welcome Week due to various groups who have reserved the room for meetings. Please be aware that it … [Continue reading]