You are all cordially invited to attend our 4th annual Research Fest scheduled for Thursday, April 26th from 12:00pm-2:00pm in the MPR (SB 232). The purpose of this event is to provide our Merage doctoral students the opportunity to showcase their work and share their current research with members of the UCI community in an informal, collegial walk-around style poster session. It’s an excellent way to get a glimpse of what our Ph.D. program is all about and see what wonderful work our students have accomplished to date!
No RSVP is required. You are welcome to show up anytime between the 12:00-2:00pm timeframe, however we will make brief welcoming remarks starting at 12:30 should you wish to pick a “show up” timeslot.
Coffee, tea, soft drinks and appetizer-snacks will be served during that timeframe.
Research Opportunity
Dr. Christine Gall’s lab in the Department of Anatomy & Neurobiolgy is looking for undergraduates interested in gaining research experience! The lab studies cellular and molecular pathways involved in learning and memory. For more information, please email Ronald Seese ( with the following information:
- Name, year, and major.
- A short paragraph describing your interests both in starting basic science research and in Dr. Gall’s research.
- Most recent CV or resume.
iCAMP – Interdisciplinary Computational Applied Mathematics Program
Dear Student,
Would you like to get involved in undergraduate research?
Would you like to earn money next summer?
Do you like math and computers?
If you answered “Yes” to these questions, you should check out iCAMP.
iCAMP stands for the Interdisciplinary Computational Applied Mathematics Program. Through iCAMP, first and second year undergrads of of all majors get an opportunity to learn about real world mathematics applications and conduct real research in a paid summer program. This program is suitable for students of all majors, particularly those who might have come into UCI with AP Calculus credit or have taken Math 2A and 2B already.
If this sounds interesting to you, there are three ways you can learn more about the program:
1.) Attend our iCAMP Information Workshop this Thursday 11/17 at 5:00 in Rowland 306.
2.) Check our our website at
3.) Just sign up for a Math 77 or ICS 77 course in Winter or Spring 2012
We hope you will consider taking advantage of the iCAMP undergraduate opportunities!
iCAMP Faculty Team
Jack Xin, Hongkai Zhao, Max Welling, Sarah Eichhorn
Extreme Research
Students thinking about research (all years welcome) – don’t miss Prof. Carol Burke’s talk “Extreme Scholarship: Doing Research in War-torn Afghanistan,” a special CHP forum with Prof. Carol Burke, Fri, Nov. 4, 2011, 11-11:50am, BS3 lecture hall.
We are also looking for a few students who would like to have lunch with Professor Burke following her talk, from 12:00 noon until approximately 1:00 p.m. on Friday, November 4th. The cost of the lunch will be covered by the CHP Office (free lunch!). You must attend her presentation in order to go to lunch. Please contact Jeff A.S.A.P. if you are interested.
UCI Libraries Research Awards
Win $500 for conducting archival research in the UCI Libraries Special Collections and Archives
Are you still searching for a topic for your thesis or a major paper? Do you want to conduct serious, original research in unique, historical archives? If so, there are many fascinating primary sources in the UCI Libraries Special Collections and Archives that deserve your attention in your next research project. You can even win $500 when you write a paper based on these archival collections.
Two $500 research fellowship awards are available, one for a UCI undergraduate and one for a UCI graduate student. To apply, submit a completed research paper based on extensive archival research in the UCI Libraries Special Collections and Archives’ collections before June 6, 2012. Winning papers will be published online in eScholarship.
Special Collections and Archives collects archives from many significant individuals and organizations. Some examples:
- Critical theory (including the papers of Jacques Derrida, Paul de Man, and Richard Rorty)
- Orange County, California (such as on the history of planning and development, women in the public sphere, the LGBT community, and environmental issues)
- Southeast Asian Americans (particularly the refugee and immigrant experience)
- Dance and performing arts (including the papers of Robert Cohen, Donald MacKayle, and Eugene Loring)
- UC Irvine history
- The work of UCI’s Nobel Laureates (Frederick Reines and F. Sherwood Rowland)
For more information about the award, please see UC Irvine undergraduate and graduate students of any level are encouraged to apply. We especially encourage undergraduates who are involved in the first-year integrated program or who are writing an honors thesis to participate.
Fall quarter is a great time to investigate potential paper topics in Special Collections and Archives, and we are eager to help you plan your archival research projects. Email us at, visit our website, or visit our Reading Room in the Langson Library, Room 525.
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