No longer can we ignore the reality of climate change. The scientific community has spoken loud and clear – climate change is here. Let science guide us to practical, sustainable solutions for a better future.

By combining expertise across disciplines, the CLEWS Group represents a powerful fusion of scientific expertise and determination.

UCI’s CLEWS will explore strategies and science-based solutions to lower greenhouse gas emissions, shift towards sustainable sources of energy, and enhance predictions of the effects of climate change on hydrology, wildfires, and ecology.

Professor Sanders Interviewed on Coastal Erosion in San Clemente

(Gary Coronado/Los Angeles Times) We are thrilled to share a captivating article highlighting the expertise and dedication of Professor Brett Sanders, a renowned professor at the UC Irvine. 🎓🔬 📰 Article: "Landslide at San Clemente's Orange County Rail Line: Casa...

Confronting climate change

We propose an academic hub at UCI, housed in the Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Building (ISEB) that will advance breakthroughs in solutions-oriented science to address climate change. Climate change is upon us, jeopardizing livelihoods and...

Iguazu Falls

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