/ CLEWS x SoCal Hub Seminar | Vegetation Dynamics Under Climate Change by Dr. Xu, Los Alamos National Lab

CLEWS x SoCal Hub Seminar | Vegetation Dynamics Under Climate Change by Dr. Xu, Los Alamos National Lab

February 1, 2024
12:00 am - 12:00 am

Dr. Xu’s work at LANL has been focused on building statistical and process-based models to predict ecosystem dynamics under both short-term and long-term environmental changes. Specifically, he focus on a diverse research topics including 1) vegetation dynamics and its impact on hydrology ; 2) insect population dynamics (e.g., beetles and mosquitoes) that could leads to vegetation mortality and disease risks; 3) biogeochemical cycles; and 4) methods for improved understanding of model structure and behaviors.

Livestream: https://uci.yuja.com/LiveStream/P/203248/1813102058

CLEWS x SoCal Hub Seminar | Vegetation dynamics Under Climate Change by Dr. Xu, Los Alamos National Lab
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