CECS Natural Climate Solutions Toolbox

Center for Ecosystem Climate Solutions

The Center for Ecosystems Climate Solutions (CECS) developed the Natural Climate Solutions Toolbox, a suite of powerful ecosystem data tools, to help land managers, scientists, and other interested stakeholders better evaluate and compare land management options for climate mitigation and adaptation in California. 

CECS research is focused on four central efforts

  1. Developing consistent, integrated geospatial datasets to quantify the effects of past and ongoing disturbances to land surface characteristics in California, including vegetation, water, fuels, fire hazard, and carbon stocks
  2. Determining the effects of past and ongoing land management activities on land surface characteristics
  3. Building publicly available tools to inform management decisions, including tools for data download, visualization, assessment of proposed management, and ecosystem service valuation
  4. Valuing the multiple benefits of land management practices in order to incentivize financing of future project
    Through its various tools such as Carbon Vulnerability Decision Tool, Fire Progression Tool, the Data Atlas and the Data Bridges, the NCS ToolBox offers effective decision-making support towards better land management policies. Developed on the best science available, CECS provides a solution to better understand the evolution of the California land and which management should be applied to preserve it.

Science Team

Michael Goulden

Michael Goulden

Efi Foufoula-Georgiou

Efi Foufoula-Georgiou

Jim Randerson

Jim Randerson

Jonathan Wang

Jon Wang

Constance May

Constance May