Playing a sample with groove~



The groove~ object plays sound from a buffer~, using two important pieces of information: a rate provided as a MSP signal and a starting point provided as a float or int message. For normal playback, the rate should be a signal with a constant value of 1. (The sig~ object is a good way to get a constant signal value.) A rate of 2 will play at double speed, a rate of 0.5 will play at half speed, and so on. Negative rate values will play backward. The starting point is stated in milliseconds from the beginning of the buffer~. In the example patch, read some sound into the buffer~ objects, turn up the gain~, send a starting point number to groove~’s left inlet from the number box, and set the sig~ value to 1. The sound will play till the end of the buffer~ is reached or until the rate is set to 0 (or until a new starting point is sent in the left inlet.)

You can use a ‘set’ message to groove~ to cause it to access a different buffer~. All its other settings will stay the same, but it will simply look at the new buffer~ for its sample data. You can test this by clicking on the ‘set soundA’ and ‘set soundB’ message boxes.

One of the important features of groove~ is that it can be set to loop repeatedly through a certain segment of the buffer~. You set groove~’s loop start and end times (in ms) with numbers in the second and third inlets. By default, looping is turned off in groove~, but if you send it a ‘loop 1’ message it will play till the loop end point, then leap back to the loop start point and continue playing. When looping is turned off, the loop end point will be ignored and groove~ will play till the end of the buffer~. To loop the entire buffer~, set the loop start and end times to 0. (An end time of 0 is a code to groove~ meaning “the end of the buffer~”.)

You can also cause groove~ to start playing from the loop start time with the ‘startloop’ message. This works even when looping is turned off, but the loop end point will be ignored if looping is turned off. (Note that ‘startloop’ does not mean “turn looping on”; it means “start playing from whatever time is set as the loop start time”.)

Whenever groove~ leaps to a new point in the buffer~ — either because of a float or int message in its left inlet, or with a ‘startloop’ message, or by reaching its loop end time and leaping back to the loop start time — there is a potential to cause a click because of a sudden discontinuity in the sound.

Sample playback driven by a signal



The play~ object can be controlled by any MSP signal in its inlet. The value of the signal controls the location in the buffer~, in milliseconds. Normal playback can be achieved in this way by using a linear signal, such as from a line~ object, that traverses a given time span in the expected amount of time. By making a signal that goes linearly from a starttime to a stoptime in a certain amount of time, line~ can be used to get the same sorts of playback as with the ‘start’ message with three arguments demonstrated in the previous example.

In this patch you can see how the line~ object is commanded to leap to a particular value, then proceed to a new value linearly in a certain amount of time. The existence of a comma in a message box divides the message into two separate messages, sent out in succession as quickly as possible. So a message such as ‘0, 2000 2000’ sends out the int message ‘0’ followed immediately by the list message ‘2000 2000’. The int causes line~ to go to the value immediately, and the list causes line~ to use the number pair(s) as destination and ramptime. So the first message says, “Go to 0 immediately, then proceed toward 2000 in 2000 milliseconds.” This will result in normal forward playback. Going from 2000 to 0 in 2000 milliseconds causes backward playback at normal speed. Going from 0 to 420 in 525 milliseconds causes the playback to be at 4/5 normal speed, which also causes downward transposition by a major third.

Playing a sample from RAM


You can use the play~ object to play the contents of a buffer~, simply by sending it a ‘start’ message. By default it starts from the beginning of the buffer~. You can specify a different starting time, in milliseconds, as an argument to the ‘start’ message, or you can specify both a starting time and a stopping time (in ms) as two arguments to the ‘start’ message. In the patch, you can see two examples of the use of starttime and stoptime arguments. The message ‘start 0 420’ reads from time 0 to time 420 ms, then stops. You can cause reverse playback just by specifying a stop time that’s less than the start time; the message ‘start 2000 420’ starts at time 2000 ms and plays backward to time 420 ms and stops. In all of these cases — start with no arguments, start with one argument, or start with two arguments — play~ plays at normal speed. If you include a third argument in the ‘start’ message, that’s the amount of time you want play~ to take to get to its destination; in that way, you can cause play~ to play at a different rate, just by specifying an amount of time that’s not the same as the absolute difference between the starttime and stoptime arguments. For example, the message ‘start 1000 2000 1200’ means “play from time 1000 ms to time 2000 ms in 1200 ms.” Since that will cause the playback to take 6/5 as long as normal playback, the rate of playback will be 5/6 of normal, and thus will sound a minor third lower than normal. (The ratio between the 5th and 6th partials of the harmonic series is a pitch interval of a minor third.) The message ‘start 2000 1000 4000’ will read backward from 2000 ms to 1000 ms in 4000 ms, thus playing backward at 1/4 the original rate, causing extreme slowing and a pitch transposition of two octaves down.

The info~ object, when it receives a bang in its inlet, provides information about the contents of a buffer~ object. Since the buffer~ object sends a bang out its right outlet when it has finished a ‘read’ or ‘replace’ operation, we can use that bang to get information about the sound that has just been loaded in. In this example, we see the length of the buffer, in milliseconds. You can use that information in other parts of your patch.

Open a sound file and play it



This shows an extremely bare-bones program for audio file playback.
1. Click on the speaker button (ezdac~ object) to turn audio on.
2. Click on the word “open” (message object) to open a dialog box that allows you to select a sound file. (In the dialog, select a WAVE or AIFF file and click Open.)
3. Click on the toggle object to start and stop playing. (The toggle alternately sends a “1” or “0” to the sfplay~ object, which sfplay~ interprets as “start” and “stop”.)

The sfplay~ box is an MSP object. It performs an audio task: it plays sound files from disk and sends the audio signal out its outlets. The number 2 after sfplay~ is an ‘argument’, giving the object some additional information: that it should play in stereo, and thus should have two audio signal outlets. (The third outlet will send a notifying message when the soundfile is done playing, but this program doesn’t use that outlet.) The speaker button (a.k.a. the ezdac~ object) is a ‘user interface object’. It allows the user to interact with the program (in this case, by clicking on it with a mouse) and it performs a task (to turn audio on and off, and to play whatever audio signals it receives in its inlets as long as audio is turned on). Notice that the patch cords between the outlets of sfplay~ and ezdac~ are yellow and striped; that indicates that what is being passed between those objects is audio signal. The open object is a ‘message box’. It’s a user interface object, too. When clicked upon, it sends the message it contains (in this case, the word ‘open’) out the outlet to some other object. This is a message that sfplay~ understands. (If it were not, sfplay~ would print an error message in the Max window when it received an unfamiliar message.) The plain black patch cord indicates that what is passed between these objects is a single message that happens at a specific instant in time rather than an ongoing stream of audio data. The words ‘start/stop’ and ‘audio on/off’ are called comments. They don’t do anything. They’re just labels to give some information.

Here are a few thoughts for you to investigate on your own.

If you wanted audio to be turned on automatically when the patch is opened, and/or the ‘Open File’ dialog box to be opened automatically, how would you make that happen? (Hint: See loadbang.)

If you want to cause something to happen when the file is done playing, how would you do that? (Hint: Read about the right outlet of sfplay~.)

If you wanted to play the file at a different speed than the original, how would you do that? (Hint: Read about the right inlet of sfplay~.)

A single sfplay~ object can only play one sound file at a time, but it can actually access a choice of several preloaded sound files. How can you make it do that? (Hint: Read about the preload message to sfplay~.)

Suppose you’d like to be able just to pause sfplay~ and then have it resume playing from the spot where it left off rather than start from the beginning of the sound file again. Is that possible? (Hint: Read about the pause andresume messages to splay~.)

What if you want to start playback from the computer keyboard instead of with the mouse? (Hint: See key — and/or keyup — and select.)

Suppose you want to have control over the loudness of the file playback. What mathematical operation corresponds to amplification (gain control)? (Hint: See *~. See also gain~.)

Playing a Sound File


Open a sound file and play it.


This shows an extremely bare-bones program for audio file playback.
1. Click on the speaker button to turn audio on.
2. Click on the word “open” to open a dialog box that allows you to select a soundfile. (In the dialog, select a WAVE or AIFF file and click Open.)
3. Click on “1” to start playing (“0” to stop playing).

The sfplay~ box is a normal MSP object. It performs an audio task: it plays sound files from disk and sends the audio signal out its outlets. The number 2 after sfplay~ is an ‘argument’, giving the object some additional information: that it should play in stereo, and thus should have two audio signal outlets. (The third outlet will send a notifying message when the soundfile is done playing, but this program doesn’t use that outlet.) The speaker button (a.k.a. the ezdac~ object) is a ‘user interface object’. It allows the user to interact with the program (in this case, by clicking on it with a mouse) and it performs a task (to turn audio on and off, and to play whatever audio signals it receives in its inlets as long as audio is turned on). Notice that the patch cords between the outlets of sfplay~ and ezdac~ are yellow and striped; that indicates that what is being passed between those objects is audio signal. The open, 1, and 0 objects are ‘message boxes’. They are user interface objects, too. When clicked upon, they send the message they contain (in these cases, the word ‘open’ or the number 1 or 0) out the outlet to some other object. These messages are ones that sfplay~ understands. The plain black patch cord indicates that what is passed between these objects is a single message that happens at a specific instant in time rather than an ongoing stream of audio data. The words ‘start/stop’ and ‘audio on/off’ are called comments. They don’t do anything. They’re just labels to give some information.