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Page Contents
Reports for Faculty
Course Demographics Insights
This report is intended to help faculty gain insights into the students in their classes. It is presented as a dashboard aggregating useful information and providing helpful resources to help frame that information.
Use this report to view course composition by student level, population (first gen, low income, etc.), writing requirement completion, and more.
Note that this report can take a while to run for very large classes.
VPN is required for this report
Course Grade Distribution Insights
Factors to Consider when Interpreting the Course Grade Insights Report
Compass provides the Course Grade Insights report as a tool to view course grade distributions. Course grade distributions represent one of many possible strategies to evaluate success in the classroom. Various factors influence grade distributions—some within an instructor’s control and others that are beyond. As you review the grade insights report, please consider the following factors that could potentially affect a grade distribution (please note, this is not an exhaustive list):
- Administrative policies (add/drop/withdraw dates)
- Students’ prior preparation
- Student attendance, motivation, and time spent studying
- Quarter, time of day, and day of the week course is offered
- Class size
- Course instructor
- Teaching practices
- Assessment methods
- Absolute vs. curved grading
For additional assistance interpreting the Course Grade Insights report, contact the Center for Assessment & Applied Research.
For guidance on improving classroom success, contact the Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation.
VPN is required for this report
Course Grade Comparison Insights
This report is provides a heat map of the grades earned by students who completed two classes, as input by the user. It can be used to see how students who completed Course A performed in Course B. Variants are provided to compare performance between courses and sections.
Learn more about considering course grades →
Run Grade Comparison Insights – Section to Course Report
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