Category Archives: Uncategorized

Crossroads Study Extended!

Thanks to generous support by the William T. Grant foundation, the Crossroads study has been extended for another year! This funding will enable us to conduct the 9th interview with Crossroads participants, following them for a total of 7 years … Continue reading

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The Development, Disorder, and Delinquency Laboratory under the advisement of Elizabeth Cauffman, Ph.D., at the University of California, Irvine is currently accepting applications for a postdoctoral scholar position. The research will primarily focus on the Crossroads Study that was designed … Continue reading

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Dr. Cauffman interviewed on the Sayreville case

Dr. Cauffman was interviewed by a New Jersey news outlet regarding the transfer of youth to adult court. In the interview, Dr. Cauffman weighs in on a current case in Sayreville, N.J., in which 7 high school football players are accused of … Continue reading

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