Young Adult Factors

  • Confidence in College: The College Confidence Instrument assesses how confident a student feels about successfully completing school/college-related tasks (e.g., studying; keeping up with required readings; doing well on exams; getting the grades I want; finding time to study). The measure consists of 27 items, each on a 10-point scale (not confident through extremely confident).
    • Revised Zajacova, Lynch, & Espenshade, (2005); from Solberg, V. S., O’Brien, K., Villareal, P., Kennel, R., & Davis, B. (1993). Self-efficacy and Hispanic college students: Validation of the college self-efficacy instrument. Hispanic journal of behavioral sciences, 15(1), 80-95.
  • Confidence in Job: The Vocational Efficacy Scale measures perceptions of one’s ability to fulfill the requirements of a current or hypothetical job. The measure consists of 10 items (e.g., “I have confidence in my ability to do my job”; “I doubt my ability to do my job”; “Most people in my line of work can do this job better than I can”; “My future in this job is limited because of my lack of skills”) that are rated on a 6-point Likert scale (strongly disagree to strongly agree).
    • Riggs, M. L., Warka, J., Babasa, B., Betancourt, R., & Hooker, S. (1994). Development and validation of self-efficacy and outcome expectancy scales for job-related applications. Educational and psychological measurement, 54(3), 793-802.
  • Political Participation and Preferences: Subjects are asked 7 questions on their political preference (i.e., liberal, conservative) and interests.
    • Hasson, Y., Tamir, M., Brahms, K. S., Cohrs, J. C., & Halperin, E. (2018). Are Liberals and Conservatives Equally Motivated to Feel Empathy Toward Others?. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 0146167218769867
  • Self-Sufficiency: The Self-Sufficiency Measure examines whether subjects are able to support themselves across various life domains such as income (5 items), employment (6 items), housing (5 items), food (5 items), legal (5 items), health care (5 items), mobility/transportation (5 items), adult education/literacy (4 items), and skill/training (4 items).
    • Created by Crossroads study personnel
  • Voting: The Voting measure examines subjects voting status and engagement.
    • Created by Crossroads study personnel.