Probation Violations
This measure was developed for use in the Crossroads Study. It is used to determine whether a youth has violated the terms of his probation. The probation violations scale assesses the variety and frequency of probation violations that participants have committed over the past six months. Specifically, a youth is asked to list the terms of his probation, and then answers a series of questions about whether he has broken any of these terms, including how many times and how often. Composite scales are divided to reflect (1) Self-reported probation violations, regardless of whether the youth was caught for the violation; (2) Formal probation violations received; and (3) Probation violations for which youth was caught, but for which a formal probation violation was not necessarily filed.
Questions and Variable Names
Answer Choices:
1 = Yes
5 = No
Specific probation violations and their frequency
- s0PV1: In the past six months, have you skipped class on a day you should have been in school?
o s0PV1a: How many times?
- Free Response ______
- s0PV2: In the past six months, have you stayed out later than your court- (or probation officer-) ordered curfew?
o s0PV2a: How many times?
- Free Response _____
- s0PV3: In the past six months, have you ever failed to submit a urine test?
o s0PV3a: How many times?
- Free Response ______
- s0PV4: In the past six months, have you ever lied or cheated to get out of community service that you were ordered to do?
o s0PV4a: How many times?
- Free Response ______
- s0PV5: In the past six months, have you missed alcohol or drug counseling appointments when you should have attended?
o s0PV5a: How many times did you intentionally skip (alcohol and drug counseling)?
- Free Response ______
o s0PV5b: How many times did you miss (alcohol and drug counseling) because you couldn’t get there?
- Free Response ______
- s0PV6: In the past six months, have you missed other kinds of therapy or counseling appointments (not alcohol or drug related) when you should have attended?
o s0PV6a: How many times did you intentionally skip (therapy or counseling – not alc/drug related)?
- Free Response ______
o s0PV6b: How many times did you miss (therapy or counseling – not alc/drug related) because you couldn’t get there?
- Free Response ______
Assessed at all time points.
Developed for Crossroads