The Crossroads Study Has Been Extended!
Thanks to generous support by the William T. Grant foundation, the Crossroads study has been extended for another year! This funding will enable us to conduct the 9th interview with Crossroads participants, following them for a total of 7 years after their enrollment into the study.
To learn more about the William T. Grant Foundation, visit their website:
Dr. Caitlin Cavanagh’s Research Covered by Fox 47 News!
Check out Fox 47 News’ coverage of Dr. Caitlin Cavanagh’s exciting new research on the Crossroads mothers!
New Postdoctoral Researcher Position!
The Development, Disorder, and Delinquency Laboratory under the advisement of Elizabeth Cauffman, Ph.D., at the University of California, Irvine is currently accepting applications for a postdoctoral scholar position. The research will primarily focus on the Crossroads Study that was designed to identify the long-term effects of juvenile justice system involvement on youth outcomes. We are seeking a highly-motivated individual with quantitative expertise in various types of longitudinal data analysis (e.g., multi-level modeling; finite mixture modeling; latent transition analysis; time-varying effects modeling; longitudinal structural equation modeling). Experience training and managing a team of approximately 15-20 undergraduate research assistants is also preferred. Please see the full posting for more information.
Join the Crossroads mailing list!
If you’re not yet on it, join the Crossroads mailing list to hear about our new findings, journal articles, news, and events. Click here to join.
Watch Dr. Elizabeth Cauffman’s TEDx Talk!
Arrested Development: Adolescent Development & Juvenile Justice
Look for us at APS! May 22-25
Crossroads data will be presented at this year’s Association for Psychological Science convention in San Francisco. Look for our poster presentations throughout the weekend:
- Who Gets Caught: Characteristics of Arrested and Non-Arrested Juveniles
- Antisocial Peer Influence Mediates Reoffending Among Callous-Unemotional and Psychosocially Immature Adolescents
- The Role of Sensation Seeking in Hostile Adolescent Peer Relationships
- Does Future Outlook Mediate the Relation Between Exposure to Violence and Offending Behavior for First-Time Juvenile Offenders?
- Risky Sexual Activity and Depression among Juvenile Offenders: The Mediating Role of Partner Hostility
Look for us at WPA! April 24-27
Crossroads data will be presented at this year’s Western Psychological Association convention in Portland, Oregon. Look for our poster presentations throughout the weekend:
- Comparison of Arrested and Non-Arrested Youth
- Psychosocial Maturity Reduces Reoffending Among Callous-Unemotional Youth
- Exploring Adolescent Sensation Seeking and Peer Relationships
- Future Orientation: Mediator Between Exposure to Violence and Juvenile Offending.
Look for us at AP-LS! March 6-8
Crossroads data will be presented at this year’s American Psychology-Law Society conference in New Orleans . Look for our paper presentations throughout the weekend:
- “I Didn’t Do It”: Examining First-Time Juvenile Offenders’ False Admissions of Guilt
- Pathways to Sensation Seeking Among First-Time Juvenile Offenders.
- Knowledge is Power: Parents and Youth Probationary Success.