The Spring 2018 CSB Seminar Series Schedule
All meetings will be held at 12:00PM on Wednesdays in Natural Sciences II room 2201.
Pizza and soft drinks will be provided.
April 4: No Meeting
April 11: No Meeting
April 18: Matt Lewis (Poulos lab)
“Bacterial Nitric Oxide Synthase Inhibition”
April 25: Kalistyn Burley (Goulding and Mobley labs)
“Enhanced sidechain sampling using non-equilibrium candidate Monte Carlo”
May 2: Craig Gutierrez (Huang lab)
“Expanding the Chemical Cross-linker Toolkit for Probing Protein-Protein Interactions: Cysteine Reactive Cross-linking”
May 9: Kelly Rotstan (Luptak lab)
“A riboswitch that controls gene expression by binding trans stiff stilbene.”
May 16: Andrew Geragotelis (Tobias lab)
“Anomalous diffusion of membrane proteins from experiment and simulation.”
May 23: Jessica Kelz (Martin lab)
“Switching Things Up: Solid-State NMR for Protein-Membrane Dynamics”
May 30: Christine Miller (Green lab)
June 6: “Specific Aims” Assignment Discussion