Who can join CSTA and CSTA4OC?
Anyone interested in computer science education may join CSTA and any member of CSTA may join the OC chapter of CSTA (CSTA4OC).  Of course, we hope that if you join CSTA4OC, that you will participate in the OC chapter activities and contribute to the community.  

When and where are meetings held?
Meetings are currently held on the second Saturday of every month at the Orange County Department of Education. 

How can I contact chapter leadership?
You may either fill out the form under the Contact tab, or contact chapter leadership via email at csta4oc@gmail.com.

How can I get more involved in CSTA4OC?
Please contact chapter leadership via email at csta4oc@gmail.com or you may fill out a Submit Inquiry or Suggestion under the Contact tab.