Recent Publications:
Acupuncture Anesthesia on American Bodies: Communism, Race, and the Cold War in the Making of ‘Legitimate’ Medical Science (Bulletin of the History of Medicine)
Maoism and Mental Illness: Psychiatric Institutionalization during the Chinese Cultural Revolution (with Zhuyun Lin, History of Psychiatry)
Writings on Divination and Superstition:
Enchantment in an Age of Reform: Fortune Telling Fever in Post-Mao China, 1980s-1990s (Past & Present)
Bonds of Time and Space: Divination and the Psychiatric Encounter (Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences)
Writings on medicine and public health:
Medicine and Public Health in Twentieth-Century China: Histories of Modernization and Change (History Compass)
Embodied Minds: Hearts and Brains in Psychiatry and Chinese Medicine (Integrative Psychological & Behavioral Science)
Health by the Bottle: The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company and the Commodification of Wellbeing in the Liangyou Pictorial (in Shen, Pickowicz, and Zhang, eds., Liangyou)
Writings on madness, psychiatry, and psychology in China:
The Invention of Madness: State, Society, and the Insane in Modern China (University of Chicago Press)
Histories and Cultures of Mental Health in Modern East Asia: New Directions (with Howard Chiang, introduction to the special issue of Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences)
Healthy Minds, Compliant Citizens: The Politics of Mental Hygiene in Republican China, 1928-1937 (Twentieth-Century China)
Controlling Minds: Guo Renyuan, Behavioral Psychology, and Fascism in Republican China (Chinese Historical Review)
Choosing Cures for Mental Ills: Psychiatry and Chinese Medicine in Early Twentieth-Century China (Asian Review of World Histories)
Madness, Modernity, and the Futures of Global Psychiatric History (Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science)
Chinese Psychiatric Welfare in Historical Perspective (in Carrillo, Hood, and Kadetz, eds., Handbook of Welfare in China)