The Why

  • Employees want career growth and development opportunities
  • OIT values learning & growing and wants to create a solid foundation to foster these opportunities for our teams

OIT’s EVOLVE: Talent Enhancement Program will allow us to strategically and intentionally invest in and grow our employees to meet the organizational needs of today and tomorrow.

Internal Talent Pathways

Identifying key roles and preparing employees to fill them

Workforce Dexterity

Optimizing our cross-departmental relationships as work ebbs and flows

Quality Hiring

Knowing the skillset we need and then hiring for those qualities

Career Discovery

What are your strengths & passions? How can we

  • Identify
  • Foster
  • Align your current job & your future career

The Platform – Fuel 50


Offers unique hyper-personalized experience

AI-based engine allows the platform to evolve as our needs change 

fuel 50 logo

The Benefits

The Benefits

For Leaders

Search for available talent & skills across the organization

Competency gap mapping, enabling targeted development

Leader support tools, which will help with Achieve check-ins

Critical career preference and engagement data for each of your team members

A rich resource library with prompted career conversation questions


For Employees

Showcase talent & skills across the organization

Provide a rich resource library with prompted career conversation questions

Identify key competencies needed and enable targeted development

Find available opportunities for growth and development

Determine critical career preferences and create a path towards them


Dec 2022 Evolve launch. Jan 2023 Self Assessment and Journeys. April 2023 Gigs. May 2023 Team Succession. June 2023 Learn. Oct 2023 Mentor. Jan 2024 Goals. July 2024 Feedback.