Free Clinic Project at UCI Volunteers at Someone Care’s Soup Kitchen

Thanks to our Public Relations committee, the Free Clinic Project at UCI is expanding our impact on the Orange County community. We want to acknowledge Janna Shim, our Head of Public Relations for the Free Clinic Project at UC Irvine, for leading our organization’s volunteer work at the Someone Cares Soup Kitchen in Costa Mesa.

We hope that all of our members will take advantage of this opportunity to help out the undeserved of our community.

“Volunteering at soup kitchens has deepened my compassion for the patients who come to our clinic, and I’ve learned how powerful love can be when serving others. These are personal lessons that I wanted to share with others, which is why I’m currently offering opportunities for them to volunteer at local soup kitchens.

I believe that taking the time to meet other organizations who also care about the homeless and uninsured is a more intimate and positive way to inform the community about the free medical services we provide. I volunteered at a soup kitchen with my church when I was younger and remembered how humbling of an experience it was, in addition to being fun! I encourage everyone do it at least once in their life as there will definitely be more chances for them to do so.”