Welcome to UC Irvine ChemUNITY Peer Mentorship Program!

What Is ChemUNITY?

The ChemUNITY Peer Mentorship Program is a grad-to-grad volunteer-based mentoring program where incoming first-year graduate students will be paired with senior students in the program to act as peer support throughout the 2023/2024 year.

Mission Statement:

We aim to provide a community for first year graduate students as they navigate through various obstacles of grad school. Offering students support through peer mentorship, social events, and workshops to improve the retention rate of grad students in the Chemistry program.

Program Description:

Mentors and mentees will meet to discuss general concerns that will come up throughout the first year, such as selecting a lab, adjusting to Irvine, and coursework. Our goal is to help incoming students build a network of support, feel more connected to the department, and increase confidence/motivation among students.

  • Please note that this program is separate from the Chemistry Teaching Assistant Mentoring Program (CTAMP). Click here for more information about CTAMP.

Program Expectations:

Mentor-mentee pairings should meet once a quarter. We strongly encourage the mentor and mentee to set up their own schedule beyond the minimum requirement.