Work-Life Balance has always been an area of debate because of the complexities involved in separating the two. I believe that intelligence is not in separating the two but in integrating them.
In order to maintain this balance, it is important to set realistic goals. Goals should be set based on the deadlines and priorities. Goals need to be achievable as setting unrealistic goals would defeat the purpose completely. While studying at UCI you will have to do a lot of work so time management is very important otherwise your life would become a complete mess. While studying at UCI, prepare a proper schedule and follow it with complete devotion. In case you miss a deadline, do not panic but try to come back on track by doing some extra work. Trying not to miss deadlines is the best option as once you start lagging behind it becomes very difficult to cope up. The stress of lagging behind can give you many sleepless nights which in turn can also affect your mental and physical health.
It is advised not to do the same task for a long time as it tends to become monotonous which in turn would drastically reduce your efficiency. Involve yourself in different activities, take small breaks in between work to relax your body and mind. You can do so by listening to your favorite music, preferably calming, meditation, yoga or any other activity that can help you relax. Try not to sit in the same position for a long time; stretching from time to time is very helpful.
It is important to take care of both your physical and mental health because both are interdependent on each other. For fitness, you can indulge in exercising, playing outdoor games, yoga, running etc. Eating right is also very essential. Make sure you eat a balanced diet. Staying optimistic even in harsh times is very helpful because if you are mentally healthy, it is bound to reflect on your physical health as well and can prove very efficient in maintaining work-life balance. There are various clubs for sports, dancing, recreational activities etc. at UCI which you can join based on your interests. It can help you to increase your focus and energy.
If there comes a point where you feel stressed or depressed, consult a family member, friend or a doctor, if necessary. Talking to someone about your feelings and problems can be very helpful. Many times just telling your problems to other people proves to be a very significant step towards solving the problem. At UCI, you have various resources available to take help from, such as, there are occasional exercise trainings, stress relieving workshops, one-on-one talks with an expert etc. There are meditation classes available which can help you clear your mind and boost your confidence. These programs can benefit you and help you overcome stress.
Maintaining balance involves going out frequently and visiting new places as it fills you with positive energy and help in getting rid of negative thoughts. Irvine is a peaceful, beautiful and green place full of beaches, hills, parks and much more. Visiting these places frequently can help you take your mind off work and relax. Many social events take place frequently in and around Irvine, where you can socialize, meet new people, and exchange views and knowledge
Last but not the least, self satisfaction is the most integral part of your life. It is important to be satisfied with what you have got and what you are capable of. Sometimes establishing a balance is very difficult and it happens with everyone. Try to find ways to cope with the situation pushing deadlines or maybe taking some help. Always remember “don’t stop and never give up”. So get ready for UC Irvine.
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