Post by Chia-Chun Liang, GIC Peer Mentor 2021
As an international student in a new place, it is always important to explore places on and outside campus and find things to do for a better balance in life, in my personal view. Exercise on-campus/off-campus is a good way for stress relief, as well as some outdoor activities! Here I provide some personal experience on exercise/sports resources on campus and what you can do off-campus, hopefully, you’ll find them helpful!
Two major locations that you can exercise on campus: Aldrich Park and the ARC (Anteater Recreation Center). If you enjoy walking, the Aldrich Park at the center of the campus is definitely a good place to go and relax no matter if it’s between classes or on weekends. I always find myself in love with some big trees in the park as well as the rich ecosystem over there (you can see quite some bunnies, squirrels, various kinds of birds, ducks, and geese sometimes, and we do have a few invasive species too, unfortunately, ☹). Also, during the afternoon or early morning, I love how the sunbeams shine on those tree leaves. There are many school events also held at this park as well (career fairs/ceremonies etc). Sometimes, the Graduate Division will offer stress relief classes (free) such as yoga and meditation, and they’ll be held either outside in the park or in some classrooms [1]. Usually, around the end of the quarter or midterms, our school will also hold an event in which they invite therapy dogs/cats to come on-campus and meet students (usually the information will appear in one of the school emails). The second location, the Anteater Recreation Center [2], is the place that holds real sports! No matter if you are thinking of joining a school team, or want to attend a sports class, or are thinking about working out in a gym, or just want to do some exercise by yourself or with your friends, this is a good place to go. I am personally not familiar with how to join a school team, but to register for a class, it is very simple. Visit the website [2] and choose from the top menu “recreation activities classes”, you’ll see a range of classes which you can choose from. These classes are all much cheaper compared to taking them off-campus. I personally have taken taekwondo (see picture 1) and krav maga, and I need to say the instructors are amazing! The campus recreation also offers paid personal services which include personal training, massages, and even fitness testing (see “fitness & wellness” section). Do you not like indoor sports? There are outdoor activities that you can choose from as well (“outdoor & boating” menu), it ranges from group hiking, stand-up paddle, and kayaking. Some of these outdoor activities require students to gather at a place off-campus so if you are interested in attending but do not have a car, you’ll need to take Uber or ask your friend for a ride.
Picture 1. The first level of taekwondo belt I earned here was through UCI taekwondo class.
Things not related to beaches:
Well, where can I start? There are just so many options for you to explore. There are numerous trails and parks all within a 40-minute car drive, and they are all beautiful. Let’s start with the trails within walking distance (if you live on campus), we have Bommer Canyon and Shady Canyon. I usually walked to Bommer Canyon as a half-day trip. Mason Park and turtle rock are good places to go if you just want to relax for a short walk! My personal favorite is the turtle rock viewpoint [3]. It’s a 5-10 minutes short hike to the hill, and you can see a good view of the city with a clear sky. Some people have taken photos of stars and it’s a local “dating location” for people around there ☺. Information about trails around here in OC county can be found at this website: Note that before you go, it’s good to check on the website to see the current condition (there may be some occasional closures due to emergencies). My personal favorite’s trail is the top of the world (yes you heard me, it’s really called the top of the world!), it’s a steep 3-4 miles hike but the view up there is amazing. After the hike, I’ll usually drive south to the treasure island beach area (yes you heard me once again, names around this area really sound dreamy!) and relax.
For places further away, national parks in California provide very good places to go for people who like to explore more mountains, forests, rivers, or lakes. A closer national park is Joshua National Park, located 3-4 hours away from Irvine. The unique geological features (desert-like, with stones piling up but with cracks) and ecosystem (for example, Joshua trees of course!) attract tourists around the world (see pictures 2-3). It is also a very good place for star watching. For national parks further away from Irvine, there are Sequoia (see picture 5), Death Valley, Yosemite, and Yellowstone national park which are all on many people’s bucket lists!
Last but not least, there are museums, aquariums, and zoos where you can explore. And most importantly, something I find interesting is every state and mostly every county will have an annual fair where you can find all kinds of good food, drinks, and activities to have fun!
Picture 2 (left) and 3 (right): Joshua Tree National Park
Picture 5: Sequoia National Park, me standing in front of a giant sequoia tree.
Things related to beaches:
Haven’t been to a beach? Then people may not believe you that you have been to California lol. Before I go on and on and talk too much, there are just so many things you can do at the beaches! First of all, locate a beach of your interest (every beach looks different, and has its own style/vibe), and then just go and explore! If you would like to see more coastal ecosystems, Crystal Cove is a good choice. If you like art, Laguna Beach is a good place to go shopping for antiques, handicrafts, and paintings, etc (they also have an art festival every summer [4]). If you wanna try snorkeling, Treasure Island may be a nice location and Huntington beach is definitely the top choice for surfing. At the current state, my personal beach list is limited to a 1-hour driving distance (because I am still exploring!) but some beaches such as La Jolla, Santa Monica are on my to-do list.
It has been almost 3 years since I arrived in the United States (including a pandemic year), and I always find myself in love with all the outdoor activities because I feel so connected to nature and find serenity within. On-campus activities are also awesome, they provide me a temporary relief when I can’t go off-campus. Still exploring, and you are very welcome to join the line of the exploration squad of team international @ UCI! ☺
[3],-117.8156265,16.3z/data=!4m22!1m16!4m15!1m6!1m2!1s0x80dcddfde515f1dd:0xa4589af8f2f4971!2s8429+Palo+Verde+Rd,+Irvine,+CA+92617,+USA!2m2!1d-117.8308111!2d33.6407728!1m6!1m2!1s0x80dce77782d735f1:0x6999bded41a1e53c!2sShady+Canyon,+Irvine,+CA+92603!2m2!1d-117.7813146!2d33.6341923!3e0!3m4!1s0x80dce7591ea5bcb7:0x842d6cc3cddc4032!8m2!3d33.6363636!4d-117.8153177 [4]