Post By: Aishwarya Borate, Peer Mentor 2022
You will hear it soon if you have not already been told about office hours. As an international student, I was initially not familiar with how and when to use the professor’s office hours. While the process of having one-on-one conversations with the instructor can feel intimidating, don’t shy away from taking advantage of the office hours. As a student and a Teaching Assistant (TAs), I have seen both sides of the office hours interactions. I cannot stress enough the difference those few minutes of discussion about a term paper, exam, or concept can make in learning. Those one-one conversations with the instructor or the TA are a way to improve your knowledge, grades, and career opportunities. Use them as an opportunity to get clarification and/or ask questions about the course material and requirements. Maybe some concepts did not make sense to you during the class, or you are interested in learning more about the topic, or you have questions about the assignment or the final paper – office hours are the perfect opportunity to ask these questions.
- Get clarity on course content – If you missed a class or are confused about a theory or method covered in the course, you can ask the professor for clarification. You can ask them to explain it differently or walk you through it slowly. The course assignments, exams, and evaluation process here can be very different from the educational system international students are used to. It might take some time to get used to the new format and ways of assessment. In addition to the course syllabus and emails, having one-on-one conversations with the instructor might help gain clarity.
- Feedback on assignments – You can also utilize office hours to get the professor’s input on a project. If you have a final paper due and are uncertain about the expectations or want to get feedback on your work, ask the instructor for a quick review. For example, I was required to write weekly memos and policy briefs for one of my classes in my first year. I was unfamiliar with the format and requirements and utilized the office hours to get help on the assignments. In addition to getting feedback on assignments before submission, you can use the office hours settings to talk about what you did wrong and how to improve on the following paper.
- Career guidance and networking – Office hours also allow you to get to know your professors, especially outside a class setting. As a graduate student, your professional relationships can be meaningful later, as the instructors can provide career advice and write reference letters. So, in addition to getting help on the coursework, you can also use this time to build connections. You can ask professors about internships and jobs in your field. They may have links and can point you toward the right source. Additionally, suppose you are looking for recommendations on which classes to take the following semester that can help you in your research and career. In that case, the professor or TA can help you.
Be prepared and be mindful that other students are there to ask questions too. Before you make the appointment or walk into the office, ask yourself what the purpose of this visit is and what outcome you expect. Some instructors allow a 15-20 minutes slot, so it is better to have a clear list of questions in those instances. If you want a productive conversation, make sure you utilize the office hours throughout the quarter and not just towards the end of the quarter, which is usually a busy time. Visiting early during the quarter and frequently will enable you to benefit more. You can also utilize the office hours in a group or with a friend. Most instructors will welcome discussions in pairs or groups.
Time- Professors and TAs are here to help you and are approachable, so take advantage of those office hours. Most instructors have dedicated time slots every week when they hold office hours. If the office hours conflict with your schedule, you can reach out to the professor to schedule an appointment. In the last two years, with the increase in online learning, most professors have also started offering virtual office hours.