COVID-19 Resources
Thomas De Luze
Between 2020-2021, we compiled a list of equity-focused resources produced by Cal-IHEA affiliated organizations, faculty, and vetted organizations to synthesize accurate information and prepare us for the long-term health equity challenges associated with COVID-19.
UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, May 2020 California Health Interview Survey Preliminary COVID-19 Estimates
Berkeley School of Public Health, Managing the COVID-19 Pandemic (free online course)
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Public Health on Call: Evidence and Experts to Help You Understand Today’s COVID-19 News — and What It Means for Tomorrow (podcast)
UCLA, Multilingual COVID-19 Resource Hub
UCLA Center for Neighborhood Knowledge, Los Angeles County COVID-19 Map
Public Health Institute, Vulnerable Populations Index Map
UCSF Health Atlas, COVID-19 data story
Policy Solutions
ChangeLab Solutions, Policy solutions that prioritize health equity
Human Impact Partners, Health Equity Policy Platform for COVID-19
JAMA, Policy Solutions for Reversing the Color-blind Public Health Response to COVID-19 in the US
Public Policy Institute of California, Impacts of COVID-19 and Policy Choices to Address It
National Low Income Housing Coalition, Priorities for a Coronavirus Economic Stimulus Package
Healthy Food Policy Project, Municipal COVID-19 Food Access Policies
Berkeley Conversations: COVID-19: Nordics and COVID-19: Public health, economic and public policy responses, May 2020
Western Center on Law & Poverty, Coronavirus – Information, Response, and Considerations
Racial Justice
Berkeley Conversations: Race, Law, and Health Policy
Berkeley Conversations: Structural Racism and COVID19: The Political Divide, Re-Opening the Society and Health Impacts on People of Color
Berkeley Conversations: COVID-19: Straight talk: A conversation about racism, health inequities and COVID-19
Berkeley Conversations: COVID-19: Understanding and seeking equity amid COVID-19
Gilbert Gee (UCLA) KQED PBS Interview, Racism’s Role in Coronavirus
Dr. Chandra Ford (UCLA) Interview, Impact on Communities of Color
Healthcare and Wellbeing
Berkeley Conversations: COVID-19: The lasting impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our healthcare delivery system, May 2020
Berkeley Conversations: COVID-19: Digital and telehealth implications of COVID-19 and social distancing, May 2020
Administration for Community Living, COVID-19: What Do Older Adults and People with Disabilities Need to Know?
The Greater Good Science Center, Greater Good’s Guide to Well-Being During Coronavirus
Berkeley Conversations: COVID-19: Trauma-informed approaches for individual, organizational resilience during COVID-19, April 2020
Suicide Prevention Resource Center, Mental health Resources for various audiences