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Mojtaba Hosseini

I am an assistant professor of Business Analytics at the Tippie College of Business, University of Iowa. I received my PhD in Operations and Decision Technologies from the Paul Merage School of Business, University of California Irvine, under supervision of Dr. John Turner. I like theory and practice of optimization, computer science, data science and intersections of these disciplines, all of which come together in operations research.

I have worked on many optimization projects in application domains like transportation, sports analytics, matching markets, and health care. I particularly look for specific structures that can be exploited for delivering managerial insights and developing efficient algorithms.

My research has a focus on large-scale and complex optimization problems, mainly those which need to be solved optimally or near-optimally. Often these can be modeled by mixed-integer programs, and this is where I specialize. I apply decomposition methods like Benders decomposition, Dantzig-Wolfe reformulation, and Frank-Wolfe algorithm, and my papers contribute to the theory and applications of these techniques.

I received my B.Sc. degree in Industrial Engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran in 2013. I then moved to Istanbul, Turkey, and obtained my M.Sc. degree in Industrial Engineering from the College of Engineering, Koç University in 2016. I also had a chance to go to Switzerland to work with Dr. Christiane Barz at University of Zurich and have additional exposure to applied work in hospital scheduling.

I have an extensive experience as recitation leader and teaching assistant for various courses including Management Science for Analytics, Business Statistics, Foundations of Business Analytics, and Modeling and Simulation during my graduate studies at the Paul Merage School of Business and Koç University. For more information, please see my LinkedIn.

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