Xu, J., Reddy, B.J., Anand, P., Shu, Z., Cermelli, S., Mattson, M.K., Tripathy, S.K., Hoss, M.T., James, N.S., King, S.J., Huang, L., Bardwell, L., Gross, S.P. Casein kinase 2 reverses tail-independent inactivation of kinesin-1. Nat. Commun. 2012, 3, 754. doi: 10.1038/ncomms1760.
Fang, L.#, Kaake, R#., Patel, V., Yang, Y., Baldi, P., Huang, L. Mapping the protein interaction network of the human COP9 signalosome (CSN) complex using a label-free QTAX strategy. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 2012, 11(5), 138-47. (#: These authors contributed equally).
Kao, A.#, Randall, A.#, Patel, V., Yang, Y., Kandur, W., Guan, S., Rychnovsky, S., Baldi, P., Huang, L. Mapping the structural topology of the yeast 19S proteasomal regulatory particle using chemical cross-linking and probabilistic modeling. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 2012, 11(12), 1566-77. (#: These authors contributed equally)
Yen, J.L., Flick, K., Papagiannis, C.V., Mathur, R., Tyrrell, A., Ouni, I., Kaake, R.M., Huang, L., Kaiser, P. Signal-Induced Disassembly of the SCF Ubiquitin Ligase Complex by Cdc48/p97. Mol Cell. 2012 Sep 19. pii: S1097-2765(12)00733-2. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2012.08.015.
Anand, P., Cermelli, S., Li, Z., Kassan, A., Bosch, M., Sigua, R., Huang, L., Ouellette, A.J., Pol, A., Welte, M.A., Gross, S.P. A novel role for lipid droplets in the organismal antibacterial response. elife. 2012, 1:e00003. doi: 10.7554/eLife.00003. Epub 2012 Nov 13.
Xu, Y., Cai, M., Yang, Y., Huang, L., Ye, Y. SGTA Recognizes a Noncanonical Ubiquitin-like Domain in the Bag6-Ubl4A-Trc35 Complex to Promote Endoplasmic Reticulum-Associated Degradation. Cell Rep. 2012, 2(6), 1633-44.
Aiken, C.T., Kaake, R.M., Wang, X., Huang, L. Oxidative stress-mediated regulation of proteasome complexes. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 2011, 10(5): R110.006924 (Epub 2011 Jan 31)
Tsai, B.P., Wang, X., Huang, L.*, Waterman, M.L.* Quantitative profiling of in vivo-assembled RNA-protein complexes using a novel integrated proteomic approach. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 2011 10(4):M110.007385 (Epub 2011 Feb 1) (Co-correspondance).
Furuta, S., Jeng, Y.M., Zhou, L., Huang, L., Kuhn, I., Bissell, M.J., Lee, W.H. IL-25 Causes Apoptosis of IL-25R-Expressing Breast Cancer Cells Without Toxicity to Nonmalignant Cells. Sci Transl Med. 2011, 3(78):78ra31.
Aphasizheva, I., Maslov, D., Wang, X., Huang, L. and Aphasizhev, R. Pentatricopeptide repeat proteins stimulate mRNA adenylation/uridylation to activate mitochondrial translation in trypanosomes. Mol. Cell 2011, 42(1), 106-17.
Kao, A., Chiu, C.L., Vellucci, D., Yang, Y., Patel, V.R., Guan, S., Randall, A., Baldi, P., Rychnovsky, S.D., Huang, L. Development of a novel cross-linking strategy for fast and accurate identification of cross-linked peptides of protein complexes. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 2011, 10(1):M110.002212. (Epub 2010 Aug 24.)
Wang, X., Yen, J., Kaiser, P., Huang, L. Ecm29 Dependent Disassembly and Down-Regulation of the 26S Proteasome in Response to H2O2. Science Signaling 2010, 3(151), ra88. (It was selected for Podcast of this issue).
Aghajan, M., Jonai, N., Flick, K., Fu, F., Luo, M., Cai, X., Ouni, I., Pierce, N., Tang, X., Lomenick, B., Damoiseaux, R., Hao, R., Del Moral, P.M., Verma, R., Li, Y., Li, C., Houk, K.N., Jung, M.E., Zheng, N., Huang, L., Deshaies, R.J., Kaiser, P., Huang, J. Chemical genetics screen for enhancers of rapamycin identifies a specific inhibitor of an SCF family E3 ubiquitin ligase. Nat Biotechnol. 2010, 28(7), 738-42.
Whisenant, T.C., Ho, D.T., Benz, R., Rogers, J., Kaake, R., Gordon, E.A., Huang, L., Baldi, P., Bardwell, L. Computational prediction and experimental verification of new MAP kinase docking sites and substrates including Gli transcription factors. PLos. Comput. Biol. 2010, 6(8). pii: e1000908.61.
Kaake, R.M., Wang, X., Huang, L. Quantitative Analysis of Protein Interaction Networks of Protein Complexes. Mol. Cell Proteomics. 2010, 9(8), 1650-65. (Invited review)
Vellucci, D., Kao, A., Kaake, R.M., Rychnovsky, S.D., Huang, L. Selective Enrichment and Identification of Azide-tagged Cross-linked Peptides Using Chemical Ligation and Mass Spectrometry. J. Am. Soc. Mass. Spectrom. 2010, 21(8), 1432-45.
Ringpis, G-E., Aphasizheva, I., Wang, X., Huang, L., Lathrop, R.H., Hatfield, G. W., Aphasizhev, R. Mechanism of U-insertion RNA Editing in Trypanosome Mitochondria: The Bimodal TUTase Activity of the Core Complex. J. Mol. Biol. 2010, 399(5), 680-95.
Kaake, R.M., Milenkovic, T., Pržulj, N., Kaiser, P., Huang, L. Characterization of Cell Cycle Specific Protein Interaction Networks of the Yeast 26S Proteasome Complex by the QTAX Strategy. J. Proteome Res. 2010, 9(4), 2016-29.
Thompson, L.M., Aiken, C.T., Kaltenbach, L.S., Agrawal, N., Illes, K., Khoshnan, A., Martinez-Vincente, M., Arrasate, M., O’Rourke, J.G., Khashwji, H., Lukacsovich, T., Zhu, Y.Z., Lau, A.L., Massey, A., Hayden, M.R., Zeitlin, S.O., Finkbeiner, S., Green, K.N., LaFerla, F.M., Bates, G., Huang, L., Patterson, P.H., Lo, D.C., Cuervo, A.M., Marsh, J.L., Steffan, J.S. IKK phosphorylates Huntingtin and targets it for degradation by the proteasome and lysosome. J. Cell. Biol. 2009, 187(7), 1083-99.
Aiken, C.T., Steffan, J.S., Guerrero, C.M., Khashwji, H., Lukacsovich, T., Simmons, D., Purcell, J.M., Menhaji, K., Zhu, Y.Z., Green, K., Laferla, F., Huang, L., Thompson, L.M., Marsh, J.L. Phosphorylation of threonine-3: Implications for huntingtin aggregation and neurotoxicity. J. Biol. Chem. 2009, 284(43), 29427-29436.
Kodani, A., Kristensen, I., Huang, L., Sütterlin, C. GM130-dependent Control of Cdc42 Activity at the Golgi Regulates Centrosome Organization. Mol. Biol. Cell. 2009, 20(4), 1192-1200.
Fang, L., Wang, X., Yamoah, K., Chen, P.L., Pan, Z.Q., Huang, L. Characterization of Human COP9 Signalosome Complex Using Affinity Purification and Mass Spectrometry. J. Proteome Research 2008, 7(11), 4914-4925. (It has been selected for Faculty of 1000 Biology (http://www.f1000biology.com))
Weng, J., Aphasizheva, I., Etheridge, R.D., Huang, L., Wang, X., Falick, A.M., Aphasizhev, R. Guide RNA Binding Complex From Mitochondria of Trypanosomatids. Mol. Cell 2008, 32(2),198-209.
Meierhofer, M., Wang, X., Huang, L. and Kaiser, P. Quantitative Analysis of Global Ubiquitination in HeLa Cells by Mass Spectrometry. J. Proteome Research 2008, 7(10), 4566-4576.
Guerrero, C., Milenkovic, T., Przulj, N., Jones, J.J., Kaiser, P., Huang, L. Characterization of the Proteasome Interaction Network by QTAX-Based Tag-Team Strategy and Protein Interaction Network Analysis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A 2008, 105(36), 13333-13338.
Jones, J.J., Wu, K., Yang, Y., Guerrero, C., Nillegoda, N., Pan, Z.Q., Huang, L. A Targeted Proteomic Analysis of the Ubiquitin-Like Modifier Nedd8 and Associated Proteins. J. Proteome Research 2008, 7(3), 1274-1287. (Featured Article of the March 2008 issue of JPR and one of the most-accessed articles in the 1st quarter of 2008)
Wang, X, Huang, L. Identifying dynamic interactors of protein complexes by quantitative mass spectrometry. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 2008, 7(1), 46-57. (Cover Paper of the January 2008 issue of MCP)
Kaiser, P., Meierhofer, D., Wang, X., Huang, L. Tandem affinity purification combined with mass spectrometry to identify components of protein complexes. Methods Mol. Biol. 2008, 439, 309-326.
Goenaga, A.L., Zhou, Y., Legay, C., Bougherara, H., Huang, L., Liu, B., Drummond, D.C., Kirpotin, D.B., Auclair, C., Marks, J.D., Poul, M.A. Identification and characterization of tumor antigens by using antibody phage display and intrabody strategies. Mol. Immunol. 2007, 44(15), 3777-3788.
Wang, X., Guerrero, C., Kaiser, P., Huang, L. Proteomics analysis of ubiquitin-proteasome degradation pathways. Expert Review of Proteomics 2007, 4(5), 649-665. (Invited review)
Wang, X., Chen, C.F., Baker, P.R., Chen, P.L., Kaiser, P., Huang, L. Mass Spectrometric Characterization of the Affinity Purified Human 26S Proteasome Complex. Biochemistry 2007, 46(11), 3553-3565.
Kuramoto, N., Wilkins, M.E., Fairfax, B.P., Revilla-Sanchez, R., Terunuma, M., Tamaki, K., Iemata, M., Warren, N., Couve, A., Calver, A., Horvath, Z., Freeman, K., Carling, D., Huang, L.,Gonzales. C., Cooper, E., Smart, T.G., Pangalos, M.N., Moss, S.J. Phospho-dependent functional modulation of GABAB receptors by the metabolic sensor AMP-dependent protein kinase. Neuron 2007, 53(2), 233-247.
Friedrich, M.L., Cui, M., Hernandez, J.B., Weist, B.W., Andersen, H.M., Zhang, X., Huang, L.*, Walsh, C.M.* Differential modulation of DRAK2 autophosphorylation in primary lymphocytes, J. Biol. Chem. 2007, 282(7), 4573-4584. (*Co-correspondance).
Lai, H.C., Liu, T.J., Ting, C.T., Yang, J.Y., Huang, L., Wallace, D., Kaiser, P., Wang, P.H. Regulation of IGF-1 Receptor Signaling in Diabetic Cardiac Muscle: Dysregulation of Cytosolic and Mitochondria Hsp60. Am. J. Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab. 2006, 292(1), E292-297.
Tagwerker, C., Zhang, H., Wang, X., Larsen, L.S., Lathrop, R.H., Hatfield, G.W., Auer, B., Huang, L., Kaiser, P. HB tag modules for PCR-based gene tagging and tandem affinity purification inSaccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast 2006, 23(8), 623-632.
Tagwerker, C., Flick, K., Cui, M., Guerrero, C., Dou, Y., Auer, B., Baldi, P., Huang, L., Kaiser, P. A tandem-affinity tag for two-step purification under fully denaturing conditions: Application inubiquitin profiling and protein complex identification combined with in vivo cross-linking. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 2006, 5(4), 737-748.
Guerrero, C., Tagwerker, C., Kaiser, P., Huang, L. An integrated mass spectrometry-based proteomic approach: quantitative analysis of tandem affinity-purified in vivo cross-linked protein complexes (QTAX) to decipher the 26 S proteasome-interacting network. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 2006, 5(2), 366-378.
Surti, T.S., Huang, L., Jan, Y.N., Jan, L.Y., Cooper, E.C. Identification by mass spectrometry and functional characterization of two phosphorylation sites of KCNQ2/KCNQ3 channels. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A 2005, 102(49), 17828-17833.
Huang, L., Burlingame, A.L. Comprehensive Mass Spectrometric Analysis of 20S Proteasome Complex. Methods Enzymol. 2005, 405,187-236.
Kaiser, P., Huang, L. Global approaches to understanding ubiquitination. Genome Biol. 2005, 6(10), 233.
Chalkley, R.J., Baker, P.R., Huang, L., Hansen, K.C., Allen, N.P., Rexach, M., Burlingame, A.L. Comprehensive Analysis of a Multidimensional Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Dataset acquired on a QqTOF Mass Spectrometer: 2. New Developments in Protein Prospector allow for reliable and comprehensive automatic analysis of large datasets. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 2005, 4(8), 1194-1204.
Chou, S., Huang, L., Liu, H. Fus3-Regulated Tec1 Degradation through SCF(Cdc4) Determines MAPK Signaling Specificity during Mating in Yeast. Cell 2004, 119(7):981-990.
Verges, M., Luton, F., Gruber, C., Tiemann, F., Reinders, L.G., Huang, L., Burlingame, A.L., Haft, C.R., Mostov, K.E. The mammalian retromer regulates transcytosis of the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor. Nat. Cell Biol. 2004, 6(8), 763-769.
Oda, Y., Sihlbom, C., Chalkley, R.J., Huang, L., Rachez, C., Chang, C.P., Burlingame, A.L., Freedman, L.P., Bikle, D.D. Two distinct coactivators, DRIP/mediator and SRC/p160, are differentially involved in VDR transactivation during keratinocyte differentiation. J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol. 2004, 89-90(1-5), 273-276.
Oda, Y., Sihlbom, C., Chalkley, R.J., Huang, L., Rachez, C., Chang, C.P., Burlingame, A.L., Freedman, L.P., Bikle, D.D. Two distinct coactivators, DRIP/Mediator and SRC/p160, are differentially involved in VDR transactivation during keratinocyte differentiation. Mol. Endocrinol. 2003, 17(11), 2329-2339.