Major Required Courses
*Note: Please consult with your bio sci counselor to come up with a personalized plan that fits your class schedule and needs.
Lower Division Bio Courses
Upper Division Bio Courses and Labs
- D103 Cell Biology
- E109 Human Physiology
- N110 Neurobiology and Behavior
- N120A-B-C Human Biology series
- 3 Upper Division Bio Labs
- 2 Upper Division Bio Electives
Behavioral Science Courses
Choose one option:
Option 1:
Anthro 2A Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology
Psych 7A Introduction to Psychology
Sociol 1 Introduction to Sociology
Option 2:
Soc Sci H1E-F-G Honors Critical Issues on Social Sciences (3 course series)
Humanities Core or Alternative Series
Choose one option:
Option 1: Humanities Core (taken freshman year): Human 1A-B-C and 1AS-BS-CS
Option 2: Alternative series (6 courses)
Check with the UCI Course Catalogue below for more details:
Human Biology Major Degree Requirements
**For any questions regarding these requirements, please contact a counselor at UCI Bio Sci Student Affairs.