Find the abstracts for all of the presentations given during the 2022 summer school here.
July 19 – Tuesday:
- Mapping, modeling, and mitigating wildland fire risk: A micrometeorological perspective by Prof. Tirtha Banerjee (link to bio)
- Managing the Urban-Wildland Interface in Southern California: Conservation of a Global Biodiversity Hotspot by Dr. Nathan Gregory (link to bio)
- A multi-scale perspective on wildland fire detection, assessment, and solutions by Dr. Janine Baijnath-Rodino
- A GPU-Accelerated Hydrodynamics Solver For Atmosphere-Fire Interactions by Jhamieka Greenwood
- k-PERIL: probabilistic creation of trigger boundaries for rural communities evacuating from a wildfire by Nikolaos Kalogeropoulos
- Controls on post-wildfire channel sediment yield by Dr. James Guilinger
- Modeling of Fire-Front Propagation using Thermodynamics Principals by Dr. Konstantinos Lazaridis
- Increases in photosynthesis caused by changes in post-fire plant composition in interior Alaska boreal forests by Jinhyuk Kim
- A New Way to Look at Fire: Using AI to Describe Fire and Plume Behavior by Daryn Sagel
- Operational Implementation of Wildland Fire Research by Scott Purdy (link to bio)
July 20 – Wednesday
- Modelling Extreme Fire Behaviour by Prof. Domingos Viegas (link to bio)
- Understanding public preferences for a wildfire mitigation policy in Crete, Greece by Haleema Misal
- Oral Presentation (TBD) by Olivia Haas
- Effects of Prescribed Fire on LAI across North Carolina by Nick Corak
- The influence of fire aerosols on surface climate and gross primary production in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) by Dr. Li Xu
- Modeling polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emissions from wildfires in California by Dr. Shupeng Zhu
- Environmental consequence of Camp Fire in November 2018: perspectives from satellite observations and air quality modeling by Kai Wu
- Global fire response to heat waves by Dr. Yue Li
- Development of an arctic-boreal fire atlas using Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite active fire data by Rebecca Scholten
- Effects of mechanical mastication on fuel properties and bushfire behaviour in Australian fuel types by Bianca Pickering
- Bushfire research meets disaster risk reduction: What happens next? by Dr. John Bates (link to bio)
July 21- Thursday
- Wildfires in Northern Europe: what we need to learn, must do, can teach, and must change by Dr. Nieves Fernandez-Anez
- Evidence for a stronger global impact of fire on atmospheric composition by Prof. James Randerson
- Developing Science Support for Prescribed Fire Applications by J. Kevin Hiers (link to bio)
- Emissions and air quality impacts of wildfire and prescribed burns in California by Dr. Laura Kiely
- Investigating the turbulent dynamics of small-scale surface fires by Ajinkya Desai
- Wildland Fire Dynamics: Understanding Flow Effects on Fire Spread by Dr. Michael Gollner