Thu, October 29, 2020, 9:00-10:00 am PST via Zoom
Title: Microlocal analysis of Doppler synthetic aperture radar.
Abstract: Conventional monostatic synthetic aperture radar (SAR) uses range data obtained from measurements of scattered radar waves to produce images of the Earth’s surface. The waveforms, which are transmitted from an air- or space-borne platformand measured by a co-located receiver, are pulses with small temporal duration but wide bandwidth.The short duration of the pulses can give rise to high spatial resolution in the images,and there is a considerable mathematical literature concerning SAR.I will discuss an alternative approach, called Doppler SAR, which uses a single frequency waveform. We use techniques of microlocal analysis to describe the artifacts that might arise in DSAR imaging,and characterize some artifact-free regions. This is joint work with Raluca Felea, Romina Gaburro and Cliff Nolan.