XXVIII Juan Bruce-Novoa Mexican Studies Conference
Please confirm your assistance by Feb. 20, 2024
The Department of Spanish & Portuguese at U.C. Irvine and U.C. Mexicanistas announce the twenty-eight Mexican Studies Conference to be held on April 18-20, 2024. This conference brings together academics from Mexico, the U.S., and other parts of the world who are conducting research on related themes.
This year’s conference will provide a forum to address past and current representations of Care and Repair. We encourage submissions from across disciplines, including but not limited to literary, gender, visual, media and performance studies, as well as religious studies, history, anthropology, political and social sciences. We are particularly, but not exclusively, interested in papers or panels that address the following themes:
- Violence and Contradictions of Care
- Abolition and Reparations
- Memory, Trauma, and Testimony
- Immigration and Care / Migrant Forms of Care
- Radical Listening, Buscadoras, Witnessing
- Motherhood/Parenting/Family and Kinship
- Pedagogies of Care and Repair
- Disability, Crip, and Mad Studies
- Afro-Mexican and Indigenous Forms of Care
- Repair, Restoration and Memory
- Experimental Forms of Repair
- Environmental Care / Care for the Environment
- (Caring for) The irreparable, the Unheard, the Disappeared
- Queer Care
- Self-care as Resistance
- Spaces of Care
- Alternative Care
- Ethics of Care
- Care and Collectivity
- Health/Medical Humanities
- Invisible Labor
- Minoritized Forms of Care
- Post-pandemic Care
- Justice and Healing
- Care and Activism
Magali Lara & Mariana Mora
Sara Poot-Herrera
Ignacio Sánchez Prado
Papers and presentations for the conference may be in either Spanish or English. Presentations have a maximum length of 20 minutes, equivalent to approximately 8 double-spaced pages.
If you would like to present a proposal, please submit a 200-word abstract by the deadline of January 16, 2024. Abstracts should be submitted electronically via this Google Form: Click HERE to submit your ABSTRACT. The abstract submission should include: your name, telephone number, email, information about any required accommodations, academic status and affiliation, the title of your presentation, a 200-word abstract, and a short-bio. If you have problems with the submission process, please email:
The selection committee will respond to all proposals by Friday, February 9, 2024.
Please confirm your assistance by Feb. 20, 2024.
This year’s conference fees will be:
$55 US DLLS for students and independent scholars
$65 US DLLS for faculty until March 20, 2024.
Afterward, the cost will be $65 and $75 respectively.
If you have questions, please contact:
UCI Mexicanistas (
Jacobo Sefamí (
Viviane Mahieux (
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