Organizational Behavior: Real Research for Real Managers

This is a different kind of textbook. In this Fifth Edition Organizational Behavior Real Research for Real Managers addresses those practical problems managers face in doing their organizational work. It looks to systematic organizational behavior research seeking to discover which organizational actions and practices actually do and do not work. Unlike other organizational behavior textbooks, Organizational Behavior Real Research for Real Managers translates this scholarly research for real managers seeking to understand and control organizations.

The book is organized by managers’ practical organizational problems, but care is taken to draw on the most careful research. Readers will see extensive endnotes to that scholarly research. Because most of those works are difficult scholarly studies, student readers are not expected to consult these sources. However, their instructors may find them useful, particularly in subfields outside their own specialties. Because this book is intended to be useful to practicing managers and experienced professionals, practical advice is developed from the scholarly research; however, these generalizations are clearly identified as generalizations from research as boxed Applications.

1. Why Organizational Behavior

2. Why Managers

3. How to Hire and Fire

4. Making Sense of Feelings at Work

5. Managing Performance and Encouraging Innovation

6. Managing Incentives

7. Understanding the Social Environment

8. Creating and Managing Effective Teams

9. Managing Conflict and Negotiation

10. Understanding Cultures and Change

11. Mastering Power

12. Leading Others

13. Looking Forward: Managing Decisions, References, and Retention

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