Our list of new books is now updated. Last month, the Law Library received several new Matthew Bender practice guides, as well as books covering a wide variety of topics from the law of chocolate, to legal issues in climate change, to a history of the American legal professoriat.
One of our new titles is Waging War, by First Circuit Court of Appeals Judge (and former Harvard Law professor) David J. Barron. The New York Times reviewer said the book is a “rich and detailed history” that “offer[s] a political analysis about how far Congress has been prepared to push its interventions over the years and how defiant presidents have been willing to be.”1
Check it out upstairs in the Reading Room at KF 5060 .B37 2016.
The Law Library’s collection is constantly growing as we purchase books and other resources to support the scholarly and clinical work of faculty and students. Please let us know if you have a suggestion for a new book.
1. Jeremy Waldron, The American Battle Over War Powers, N.Y.Times (Nov. 18, 2016), https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/20/books/review/waging-war-david-j-barron.html (referring also to a pair of 2008 Harvard Law Review articles by Barron and Martin S. Lederman, in HeinOnline at 121 Harv. L. Rev. 689 and 121 Harv. L. Rev. 941)