Celebration of Books – Thurs. 3/19

Prof. Southworth
Professor Ann Southworth at the first Celebration of Books, in 2010.

The entire UCI Law Community is welcome to the Law Library’s Sixth Annual Celebration of Books.  Join us in the Reading Room as we highlight and acknowledge the publications authored and co-authored by UCI Law Faculty from April 2014 through March 2015.

  • 10:30 am: Coffee and pastries will be offered in the Library vestibule.
  • 11:00 am: The event, including remarks by the authors, will begin.

This year, we are honored to celebrate Dean Erwin Chemerinsky and Professors Joseph DiMento, Catherine Fisk, Richard Hasen, Sarah Lawsky, Christopher Leslie, Carrie Menkel-Meadow, Douglas NeJaime, Katherine Porter, Gregory Shaffer, and Ann Southworth.

Orientation 2014

book iconLaw Library tours and related Library orientation activities are this week! Here’s some useful information for 1Ls, transfers, and visiting students.

Course & study materials – a few places to start:

  • Course Reserves Search – for textbooks and other readings that professors put on reserve.
  • Study Aids – how to find them in ANTPAC.
  • CALI online lessons – ask me for the code.

Books in print or online – three places to start:

  1. ANTPAC – for books and journals at UCI campus libraries, including the Law Library.
  2. Melvyl – for books, journals, and other resources at libraries all over the world — resources that you can borrow via ILL (Inter-library loan.)
  3. Encore – for books at UCI, as well as journal articles from 5 databases.

Off-campus access to Law Library resources usually needs the VPN (Virtual Private Network.) Check VPN Instructions from UCI Law IT.

Westlaw, Lexis, and Bloomberg questions can go to representatives.

  • Lexis: Michelle C. Yacoob, michelle.yacoob@lexisnexis.com
  • Westlaw: Kristen Knepper, kristen.knepper@thomsonreuters.com
  • BloombergBNA: Sharon Pate, spate@bna.com

Hours for the Law Library are updated on our website.

Summer Research Tips

libguide-summer-snipIn case you missed the Legal Research in Practice event last week, highlights from each of the sessions are available from the Law Library homepage under “How Do I…” or directly at libguides.law.uci.edu/summer. The research tips cover different jurisdictions and practice types in addition to some research basics to refresh your memory. You’ll also find information about:

  • using UCI databases over the summer;
  • connecting from off campus;
  • keeping current with legal news; and
  • contacting the Reference Desk.


Legal Research in Practice – Fri. 5/9

lrp 2014 info

10:00 a.m. to noon in MPAA.  Select two sessions and get practical tips on research and job success in different jurisdictions and settings. RSVP by filling out our online form.

Session 1 – 30 minutes (choose one)

  • California research
  • Federal research
  • Research refresher

Session 2 – 60 minutes (choose one)

  • Working for a judge.
  • Working for an attorney
  • Working for a wonk.

Can’t make it? Want to go to more than one? Look out for a follow-up email with links to online documentation.

Celebration of Books – Tues. 4/1


10:30 a.m. – Noon

Join us in the Reading Room as we highlight and acknowledge the publications authored and co-authored by UCI Law Faculty from April 2013 through March 2014.  Coffee and pastries will be offered beginning at 10:30 a.m.

This year we are happy to honor professors Erwin Chemerinsky, Rachel Croskery-Roberts, Elizabeth Loftus, Carrie Menkel-Meadow, and Christopher Whytock.

The event, including remarks by authors, will begin at approximately 10:45 a.m.

Employment Law Research

photo of employment law booksFor students who are interested in employment, labor, and related issues, here are some research pointers based on a the Law Library presentation to students enrolled in Professor Robinson-Dorn’s Spring 2014 Employment Law class. Highlights include:

  • Suggested sources and starting points – see our Labor & Employment Research Guide.
  • For more information about primary and secondary tax sources, see Chapter 5: Federal Labor and Employment Law in Specialized Legal Research.
  • Important online tools for federal and California labor and employment sources include:
    • BNA
    • BloombergLaw (BNA content, plus PLI treatises) As of February, 2014, Bloomberg’s “Law Reports” app is only available for iOS. See Bloomberg Law Reports at itunes.apple.com.
    • CCH Labor & Employment sources – available in Westlaw
    • CEB – California-specific treatises
  • VPN — required for many law-only resources — is supported by UCI Law IT Services.

Education Law Research

Screenshot of education research sitesInterested in education law and related issues? Here are some research pointers based on the Law Library presentation to students enrolled in Professor Glater’s Education Law seminar. Some of the major resources we covered include:

Legal Research Sources

Education Research Sources

Tax Research

For students who are interested in tax and related issues, here are some research pointers based on a the Law Library presentation to students enrolled in Professor Lawsky’s Fall 2013 Federal Income Tax class. Highlights from the presentation include:

Related links: Slides and research assignment. Lawnet ID required.