Mobile bar prep

New on the iPad in the upstairs Reading Room: Critical Pass flashcard app. We hope that some of our summer bar studiers will try out this new addition to our collection. Note that the personalized options, like notes and highlighting, are not private. Anybody who picks up the iPad in the Law Library can use the app.critical-pass

Interested in buying a copy of the app so that you can have it on your own phone or tablet? See for more information.

Net yet at the bar-preparation stage? UCI Law’s Registrar has information about Planning for the State Bar for law students.

New on the shelves – March 2016

cover imageOur list of new books is now updated. Last month, the Law Library received books on immigration, intellectual property, and international law, among other topics.

One of our new titles is Rutgers v. Waddington: Alexander Hamilton, the End of the War for Independence, and the Origins of Judicial Review, a University of Kansas Press title from historian Peter Charles Hoffer. From the publisher’s abstract:

Through this little-known but remarkable dispute over back rent for a burned-down brewery, Peter Charles Hoffer recounts a tale of political and constitutional intrigue involving some of the most important actors in America’s transition from a confederation of states under the Articles of Confederation to a national republic under the U.S. Constitution.

Check it out upstairs in the Reading Room at KF 228.R877 H64 2016.

Hamilton fans: this case took place during the time covered by Act 1’s finale, Non-Stop, when Hamilton practiced law in New York. It’s not specifically called out in the song’s lyrics, but Waddington got quite a bit of coverage in Chapter 10 of the 2004 Chernow biography.

The Law Library’s collection is constantly growing as we purchase books and other resources to support the scholarly and clinical work of faculty and students. Please let us know if you have a suggestion for a new book.

New on the shelves – February 2016

hidden-weath-of-nations-coverOur list of new books is now updated. Last month, the Law Library received books on topics ranging from criminal justice reform to shopping malls, demonstrating the wide variety of interests held by our faculty and students.

One of these new titles is The Hidden Wealth of Nations, a University of Chicago Press title from economics professor Gabriel Zucman with a forward by Thomas Piketty. From the publisher’s abstract:

[Zucman] offers an inventive and sophisticated approach to quantifying how big the problem is, how tax havens work and are organized, and how we can begin to approach a solution. His research reveals that tax havens are a quickly growing danger to the world economy.

Check it out downstairs in the Stacks at HJ 2336 .Z8313 2015.

A related reminder for students who are interested in tax policy: the next presentation for this Spring’s “Current Issues in Tax Law and Policy Colloquium” (organized by Professor Omri Marian) is on March 28. See

The Law Library’s collection is constantly growing as we purchase books and other resources to support the scholarly and clinical work of faculty and students. Please let us know if you have a suggestion for a new book.

Celebration of Books – Tues. 3/22

Dean Chemerinsky
Dean Chemerinsky at the 2015 celebration.

The entire UCI Law Community is welcome to the Law Library’s Seventh Annual Celebration of Books.  Join us in the Reading Room as we highlight and acknowledge the publications authored and co-authored by UCI Law Faculty from March 2015 through March 2016.

  • 10:00 am: Coffee and pastries will be offered in the Library vestibule.
  • 10:15 am: The event, including remarks by the authors, will begin.

This year, we are honored to celebrate Dean Erwin Chemerinsky and Professors Michele Goodwin, Rick Hasen, and Christopher Whytock.

New on the shelves – January 2016

book coverOur list of new books is now updated. Last month, the Law Library received books on a variety of topics, including updated print editions of several treatises that are highlighted on our guide to legal treatises grouped by subject at

One of these new titles is the 4th edition of LaFave’s Criminal Procedure. Of interest to research buffs: In print, this set’s finding aids (e.g. tables laws and rules grouped by jurisdiction and a 76-page index) take up over half of the last volume. Online in Westlaw, this content seems to be entirely unavailable. As I noted in 2012 about another online legal research provider, librarians and other researchers are still waiting for “beautifully-designed and highly-usable digital titles from legal publishers.” For now, you can come visit us in the law library to browse the index.

Check it out upstairs in the Reading Room at KF 9619 .L34 2015.

The Law Library’s collection is constantly growing as we purchase books and other resources to support the scholarly and clinical work of faculty and students. Please let us know if you have a suggestion for a new book.

Baby Blue

baby blue cover snipScholar David Post has a Washington Post piece today about the free version of the Bluebook:

“War is brewing over the most boring piece of intellectual property imaginable: the “Bluebook,” the 580-page quasi-authoritative source of proper legal citation formats published by the Harvard Law Review…”

The article also argues that legal citation guidance should be available to all, free of charge. See David Post, The New (and Much Improved) ‘Bluebook’ Caught in the Copyright Cross-hairs, Wash. Post: The Volokh Conspiracy (Feb. 9, 2016, 10:23 AM),

Looking for the actual Baby Blue?

It’s “in alpha release and was last modified on January 30, 2016.” Check the related tweet: Announcing the birth of #BabyBlue. (url omitted), Prof. Christopher Sprigman (@CJSprigman), Twitter (Feb. 9, 2016, 2:17 PM),

Law Library Building Survey says…

… that law students want spaces, furnishings, and amenities that facilitate and encourage studying, research, and collaboration consistent with UCI Law’s open, collegial atmosphere.


Here’s a brief overview of the results of the Law Library’s three-part study comprising: 1) survey responses from 125 law students 2) interviews with 6 law students and 3) a 1-week “detailed headcount,” a 3-times-per-day tally of where library patrons sit.

Survey results – chart

Chart: collaborative space 85% somewhat or very important; private study space 76% somewhat or very important, consultation space 78% somewhat or very important

Three-part study summary – themes

    • Noise. Law students want effective soundproofing between quiet spaces and spaces where people talk. They also want clear communication about appropriate noise levels, in the form of signs or other design elements. Having plenty of space for collaborative work is important to survey respondents, and patron counts show that study rooms are very popular in the current law library. However, noise from noisier areas (e.g. study rooms, collaborative space outside study rooms, and service counter and reference desk areas) shouldn’t disturb students in quiet-study spaces.
    • Light and openness. Lighting is tremendously important. Survey respondents and interviewees say they want a space with lots of natural light, as well as adequate light for studying at night. Survey respondents and interviewees also say they want as much window seating as possible, and patron counts demonstrate that people in the current Law Library prefer to sit in open areas near windows with indirect light.
    • Physical and psychological comfort. Law students want a variety of furniture options. They want to be able to spread out at big tables that can easily hold lots of study materials, with chairs that are comfortable for sitting in for long stretches of time. They also want soft seating options, including footstools. Survey respondents and interviewees want standing options—although these options were not used as much as other seating during our patron-count week. Students want individual study spaces of some kind, because they serve an important role in improving focus. But these individual spaces and furniture (like study carrels) should be designed to be consonant with UCI Law’s open, collegial atmosphere.
      • About 75% of study respondents said that “private individual study spaces” are important, but only 42% of respondents chose study carrels when asked “What kinds of furniture would you like to use in a law library?” Some respondents left very positive comments about the sample photo of study carrels, e.g., “These study carrels look awesome!” But other respondents called carrels “claustrophobic,” “depressing,” and “not very UCI.”
    • Research and study functionality. Students also voiced opinions on other issues: ensuring the reference office is visible, but has the option for privacy and noise reduction; providing plentiful access to power to charge devices; providing access to technology for group collaboration and work on multiple screens; and extending the hours that the library’s open.

More opportunities for feedback

Post-its outside the current Law Library.
Post-its outside the current Law Library.
  • In case you haven’t seen it yet: you can leave a note for the designers! Post-its are right outside the doors of the Law Library. Let everybody know what you want to see in a new building.
  • The library-specific survey is also still available. Note that we’ve already given away the $20 gift cards. See: (@lawnet ID required)
  • The Law Library always welcomes your feedback: Library > About > Feedback.

Thank you!

Many thanks again to all of the law students who answered our survey and who came in for interviews. Your feedback has been so helpful, and we are grateful for your time.

Publishing? Citation Management Saves Time!

If you plan to research and write for scholarly publication, chances are you will save time by staying organized with a citation management tool.

These tools work directly with scholarly databases, and allow you to save and share documents, create citations, and build bibliographies. One of the more popular tools supported by UCI is called Mendeley.







Stop by the law library anytime to get tips on staying organized. Together, we can come up with a system that works for you!

Custom Research Instruction for Law Classes

The Law Library offers custom research instruction for all types of classes.

This term, librarians are directly supporting courses in which students will research and write on the environment, biotechnology, and corporate finance.

Librarians are here to help students develop positive research habits, stay organized, and produce quality papers, reports, and memos! We can work with you and your students, whether in special sessions, by appointment, or at the Reference Office.  Contact Lisa with questions, or to schedule a training,

Students:  Ask questions before you spend too much time looking for information. We can help save you time and make you look even more awesome! Stop by the library, or email at

Core Clinic Orientation

The reference librarians are here to help you with research related to your clinic projects!

  • Check out our research guide with suggested resources for each of the core clinics: UCI Law Library – Core Clinics.
  • Come by the Reference Desk with questions during the weekdays, email, or call (949) 824-6746.
  • Ask for a longer research consultation or request a “20-Minute Training.