Quanta 3D FEG Use Cap updated


Dear LEXI users,

After operating the Quanta 3D FEG dualbeam system for about two years, we have come to appreciate that it is very expensive to maintain the Ga ion source. In order to cover the cost of frequent ion source replacement due to heavy use, starting on Jan 1, 2013, the nighttime cap* on the Quanta will be raised to $8000 per person per quarter. We continue to encourage users to use the instrument during off-peak hours via a Quanta Nighttime Use Cap ($200 from 8 pm to 8 am, up from $150), which enables users to save up to $160 per night if the instrument is used for a full 12 hour nighttime session.

*The cap is ONLY applied to overnight (8 pm – 8 am) and weekend usage of the Quanta 3D FEG – and is applied per user. Caps for the other instruments remain unchanged.

These changes will allow LEXI to continue to maintain the Quanta at its peak performance for all users. 

Thanks for your attention!

LEXI management team

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