Quick loader problem on 8/11/2014 and fixed on 8/12/2014

Hi, Magellan Users:

It was reported that there was a quick loader problem this morning. It could not be fixed by a simple way. Please use the front door to load the sample till further notice. You may still use the same sample holder as used for quick loader. The sample stage should be moved close to the door before sample loading/unloading.  You may read the SEM SOP for stage position if you have any questions.

I am waiting for the service contract PO to be issued by the campus. Then I will have a FEI engineer fix the quick loader.



2 Replies to “Quick loader problem on 8/11/2014 and fixed on 8/12/2014”

  1. FEI engineer came on 8/12/2014 and made some adjustment. The quickloader is working on now

  2. I called FEI service team this morning. The manager made a special case and agreed to have one engineer visit us even though the service contract PO is under processing. FEI engineer just arrived.

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