XL30 SEM is down 4/10/2010/ UP on 4/21/2010

XL30 SEM in MC2 was shut down suddenly. Later it was found that a user changed room temperature setting from 70 degree to 80 degree,  which caused the problem (no user should change any room temperature setting). I have made a service call to FEI. Waiting for a service now. More updates will be placed in comments.

4 Replies to “XL30 SEM is down 4/10/2010/ UP on 4/21/2010”

  1. A senior FEI engineer came to UCI and solved gun alignment problem. Now the SEM is fully up.

  2. FEI engineer has been working in the lab for the whole day today. The SEM gun is still not ready. He will continue his work tomorrow morning.

  3. SEM vacuum was recovered and SEM images were obtained today, but SEM alignment could not be done well and image quality was not good. Service engineer decided to change the whole gun (Note: Current FE gun has been used for two years. This a good record. Thanks for your cooperation). The new gun will be here tomorrow or Friday. During today’s test, SEM suddenly lost power. This is a concern. Engineer is looking into this. Here is the schedule for next a few days:
    Friday: install new FEG and start to bake the gun over the weekend.
    Next Monday: SEM alignment.
    The SEM will remain down till the new gun is installed. Please reschedule your sessions.
    I will keep you posted about the status of the SEM.

  4. FEI engineer visited us and ordered a power supply unit yesterday. The unit arrived this morning. The SEM propblem is solved now, but it will take time to get the system full up. SEM needs to be baked out for 12 hrs. The engineer will get the gun started tomorrow morning. The SEM is expected to be up tomorrow afternoon if everything goes as planned.

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