6 Replies to “AFM is down on 12/02/2010 and up on 1/20/2011”

  1. Piezo calibration is done. Engineer is doing the final test on a standard sample. The scanner could be shipped to us this week.

  2. Some problems showed up during piezo calibration. The engineer is still working on it now. I just emailed him some configuration files and hope that the problems may be solved soon. Keeping my finger crossed.

  3. AFM parts were not received. The engineer is waiting for parts shipped from Japan.

  4. A report was received on Monday. The X-piezo in scanner was bad. Calit2 quickly approved the repair plan. A PO was issued. The repair may be completed by Dec 23. If everything goes smoothly, the AFM is expected to be up in early January 2011.

  5. The AFM was received on Dec 3 by the service company. The engineer has been checking the system for a few days and will send me a report by early next week…

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