Lectures and Demo: Thermo EDS system

Dear EDS users:
I am pleased to tell you that the new Thermo EDS system installed on FEI/Philips XL-30 SEM has been running well for a month. This system has all advanced EDS features including line scan, elemental mapping and phase mapping. To help current/future users get the best out of the system, I have invited Thermo application engineer to give lectures and demos in a seminar. The full-day seminar will be held on Nov 17, 2011 in Calit2. The schedule is listed below:

9:00-9:45: Lecture (Room 3008 Calit2)
General introduction to Thermo EDS NSS system

9:50-10:30:Lecture (Room 3008 Calit2)
Advanced features in Thermo EDS NSS system

10:45-4pm: Thermo EDS NSS system Demo/training ( Room 140 Engineering Tower)

Attending the lectures is free. There is no limitation to the number of people to attend the lectures. However, because of small space of XL-30 SEM room, the number of people for the demo/training may be limited. Please sign up on the follow excel sheet if you want to attend this seminar. Please mark the demo column with Y if you need to attend the demo or you have a sample for the demo. The link to the sign-up sheet is listed below:


Thanks for your attention. You may forward this message to a person who may be interested in.

Best regards,

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