LEXI Seminar (2102-2013)

Dear LEXI users:
An intensive training for practical instrument operation has been conducted for last several months, following the recent installation of FEI Magellan extreme high resolution SEM and Rigaku SmartLab X-ray diffractometer in LEXI. To help you further understand LEXI major instruments, together with their principles, applications and operations, and make the best use of them, we would like to kick off a series of LEXI seminars. If you are interested in the seminars, please sign up in a Google doc at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlVa2cfmNf6XdEEtMmZqUnk4Sm5fUU5FdzN6NWRxcmc#gid=0 .
The first seminar is about the FEI Magellan XHR SEM: Instrument, principles, applications and operations. It is scheduled on Sept 4 (3-4pm) in 3008 Calit2 building.
We will remind you of the seminar for those who sign up in advance.
Thanks for your attention! If you want to contact me, please use my uci email address: jzheng@uci.edu
Jian-Guo Zheng
Director of Operations
Laboratory for Electron and X-ray Instrumentaion

LEXI Seminar (2102-2013)
Seminar 1: FEI Magellan XHR SEM: Instrument, principles, applications and operations
 Sept 4, 2012, 3-4pm, Room 3008 Calit2
Seminar 2: Introduction to FEI Quant 3D Dualbeam FIB/SEM
Seminar 3: FEI XL-30 FESEM: Instrument, principles, applications and operations
Seminar 4: FEI CM-20 TEM: Instrument and imaging
Seminar 5: FEI CM-20 TEM: Electron diffraction and reciprocal space
Seminar 6: TEM specimen preparation by using FIB techniques
Seminar 7: Oxford INCA EDS Composition Analysis in SEM
Seminar 8: Introduction to Rikagu SmartLab: Technique Overview
Seminar 9: Smartlab Small angle x-ray scattering
Seminar 10: Smartlab X-ray reflectivity analysis
Seminar 11: Smartlab Micro-area diffraction using 2D detector
Seminar 12: Smartlab XRD: Self-assembled nanocrystal thin film
Seminar 13: Smartlab high resolution rocking curve
Seminar 14: Introduction to PNI AFM
Seminar 15: Introduction to micro-system analyzer

To sign up, please use Google doc at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlVa2cfmNf6XdEEtMmZqUnk4Sm5fUU5FdzN6NWRxcmc#gid=0

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