Magellan SEM problem with UC mode on 6/8/2014 and fixed on 6/10/2014

I was reported that the Magellan SEM generated a cross-over alignment issue in the afternoon of last Friday. I just did an alignment and fixed the cross-over issue. I obtained good images at different kVs (tested at 1, 5, 10, 30kVs) with different detectors ( ETD and TLD) and lenses ( field free and immersion lens). So the SEM should be OK now.

When I was doing the alignment, I found that UC mode had a problem.  I could not get the beam in UC mode so I could not go through the complete alignment. Please do not use UC mode and you may have to spend a little more time for lens alignment and astigmatism correction as trained. I have contacted FEI engineer. He may come on Tuesday.

Please read the comments on LEXI blog for updates.



2 Replies to “Magellan SEM problem with UC mode on 6/8/2014 and fixed on 6/10/2014”

  1. FEI engineer fixed the UC problem today. The system is fully up now. He will optimize the SEM condition tomorrow.

  2. FEI engineer is on campus to fix the problem now. He found that some materials were on the pole-piece. Please make sure that there is no loose magnetic particles in your sample. Use larger WD (10mm) when observing magnetic nanomaterials.

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