The SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOCIETY FOR MICROSCOPY & MICROANALYSIS (SCSMM) Call for Student Talks and Posters- awards and image competition provided-deadline for abstract submission- January 18

The SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOCIETY FOR MICROSCOPY & MICROANALYSIS  (SCSMM) Call for Student Talks and Posters SCSMM Symposium, Saturday February, 2015 Beckman Institute, Caltech

All students attending Southern California universities are invited to submit titles and brief abstracts (~200 words plus one optional JPG image) to present their work at the SCSMM All-day Symposium to be held at Caltech, February 7, 2015.  Five submissions will be selected as 15 minute platform presentations.  All others will be invited to present posters describing their work.

As is our tradition, the best platform presentation will be awarded $500 and the best poster will be awarded $300.  These awards are to support travel to the national M&M Meeting, this year to be held in Portland, Oregon (August 2-6, 2015).

The best presentation and the best poster at SCSMM will be offered a second opportunity for presentation at M&M thanks to the M&M Program Committee.

Please submit abstracts to:

The subject line should read – SCSMM Student Presentation The content should include:

Name, e-mail address and affiliation.

Preference for platform or poster presentation (students requesting a platform presentation may be asked to submit a poster as only five platform presentations are scheduled).

Please prepare submission according to M&M guidelines (


Deadline for submission – January 18

Notifications of acceptance will be e-mailed by January 23.

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