The evaporator was down on July 22 and up on Aug 1

Hi, All evaporator users:


July 22: We found tonight that the He compressor for the evaportor failed. This problematic unit is one that was recently replaced (January 2016) after our originally-purchased unit failed in a similar manner: When the compressor was restarted, it ran for a few minutes, then turned itself off. We are contacting The Brooks company…


July 25:  It turned out that our Compressor was defective; Brooks will send a good one for us to replace. There is no spare on in the US warehouse. The new one will be shipped from German. We will make it shipped to us as quickly as possible…

Aug 2:  Good news: the cryopump helium compressor installation proceeded smoothly yesterday and that the evaporator has pumped down successfully.  We have tested and ensured key parameters (base pressure, etc.) are satisfactory. Users are welcome to use the evaporator now…


Thank you



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