Master’s Degree

I was awarded a Master of Science degree in “Chemical and Materials Physics – Physics”. Quite a name! It’s from the UCI ChaMP program, which integrates courses from physics, chemistry, and materials science. I’m in the physics department, thus the appended “Physics”. The title is “Geometry Matters for Cargos Navigating …

Biophysical Society Annual Meeting 2020

I’ll be attending the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting in February, where I’ll be presenting work both on simulations of motor freedom in the cargo membrane (Cytoskeletal-based Intracellular Transport session on Tuesday the 19th, B514) and experimental work on deformability of neutrophils. I plan to be there for the whole meeting. …

UCI Cell Fate Annual Symposium and Socal MechBio

I attended two local conferences this week, the annual symposium for the UCI Center for Multiscale Cell Fate Research and Southern California Mechanobiology Day. I presented my poster on motor freedom in the cargo membrane at the cell fate symposium. It’s always great to hear what people around me are …

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